Help with clean guitar sound?


Oct 10, 2009
Trying to get this one part in a mix sounding decent. There's held out power chords and a clean guitar recorded twice and panned l50 and r50 here. Not used to working with clean guitar in a mix like this, and not sure if I'm compressing wrong, using wrong amp sim settings, etc. Just having a rough time getting it audible without taking over the mix. Anyone with experience with this kind of thing, I'd love to get some advice. Here's a WAV of the track (sorry, can't bounce an mp3 right this second). Clean guitar is around 2 minutes in. WAVS/S1 Contagion 3 19 2013 Mix.wav

I'm only on laptop speakers right now but from what I can tell it sounds pretty good man. The clean guits almost seem a bit too loud, IMO, but again, I can't make a very fair judgment right now.
I'm only on laptop speakers right now but from what I can tell it sounds pretty good man. The clean guits almost seem a bit too loud, IMO, but again, I can't make a very fair judgment right now.

Yeah that's what I mean, I had to make them loud for them to be intelligible, but I think I need to compress and EQ them different maybe?
just downloaded, will check out soon. Which of the free amps/ settings would you recommend starting out with for clean guitar?