Help with clicks/pops in Logic during cross fades and comping

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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Update: Apparently my audio folder got moved to another another folder within my project folder. I think because of this my fade files weren't saving properly. I saved my project with assets to a new folder and haven't had problems so far. And more importantly I actually see an updated fades folder now.

I'm having a real bad day. I've had issues with pops during crossfades in logic before but I just kinda stuck it out and kept pushing the issue and finding different spots to do them where they eventually worked.

I've since noticed that it almost seems as if the fade files don't fully register sometimes. I tested this by making a cross fade then quickly putting my location marker just before and hitting play and I'd hear the pop. Then I'd move my cursor a couple of measures back, press play and no pops. I assumed then that the fades need some time to process or something.

This is becoming a real problem as I went back and noticed that I had a pop in a punch in I did the night before. So I went ahead and re recorded the part and comped it. No audible clicks or pops. I flat and merge the track and bam there is the spike again! Argh! Someone please help :(

Before flattening track.

After flattening track.
Why don't you just "flatten" instead of "flatten and merge"? Does that make it better? Are you using flex editing on the regions? Logic gives you clicks when you fade a region where flex is enabled, you always have to consolidate the flex edits before you fade.
I didn't try just flattening. But when I hit undo and saw it in just flattened mode with the fades I'm pretty sure the pops were still there. I'll pay more attention next time.
I'm not using flex mode but thanks for the heads up, this explains why I was having a hell of a time with pops when editing the drums earlier. Would be nice if they fixed that, must be a bug right?
You sure it's not an issue with your system? Like maybe a clocking issue or too low of a buffer size? I don't have this issue with comping and and flattening comp folders, when I flatten the fades are there with no cracks or pops
I did have it at 64. Back to 128 now. We'll see how things go tomorrow but I think the folder thing might've fixed it.
I don't think it's a system issue. Ensemble on an 8 core mac. One thing that I've noticed that is annoying me as well is after I record my guitar tracks it starts "analyzing" the tracks. I don't remember this happening before. Except one time at the drum studio when we had like 6 takes of drums recorded in one project.