Help with Drumagog/Dynamics

Oct 18, 2012
Chicago, IL
Hey all,
I recently moved to the city (and unfortunately..that means an apartment), so I can't feasibly track drums live anymore. As a result, I've started to get into sampling (superior, slate, drumagog). I track drums via MIDI, and trigger superior drummer, then blend/replace several drums with a few older slate .gogs a buddy gave me. I'm fairly satisfied with everything but the snare drum. I feel like I can't get the dynamics of different parts quite right, as in, even with varying MIDI velocities, I can't get drumagog to trigger a realistic crescendo, or back off during blasts...every hit sounds like a full on rimshot. Any tips on settings would be appreciated!

Here's an example of what I mean:

*also, I don't know how to attach clips to a post so that they play when you click, please enlighten me =]
What worked for me was adjusting the "DYNAMIC TRACKING" % under the settings tab ( drumagog 5 ) and playing with sensitivity and input sliders at the same time.It is hard to guess how exactly all that needs to be done without specific samples and song,but that's the way to go.At some point you'll notice that your samples will sound more natural.