help with podxt pro guitar sound?


Mar 26, 2009
Puyallup, Washington
well I am trying to get a sound similar to Miss May I. And using my pod xt pro connected to my tascam 1641 via digital coaxial cable. And with the tascam I am using Fl Studio with the free hass stereo delay which is set to Heavy guitar and I'm also using Izotope Ozone 4 and using Harmonic Exciter, in which I excite the lows and highs and leave the mids alone. I'm also using waves L3 as a maximizer on the cd master setting. Any suggestions? I believe it sounds alot better than I used to get a couple of weeks ago, but it still sounds like I need some finishing touches to even it out. I feel like I'm so close to getting the guitar sound I want!!!!:kickass:

here's an example:
Oh my dear god dude, the treble is unspeakably overbearing - it actually sounds decently chunky besides that, but that treble/presence is absurdly excessive, and I'm thinking it's that goddamn "harmonic exciter" crap in Ozone; turn it down or better yet, turn it off! I don't hear any delay though; is this just one take in the left channel, and then the same take slightly delayed in the right? That's an old trick for making one take sound bigger, but it's always better to just record another performance of the same riff in the right channel! And these type of threads belong in the "Rate my mix/tone" subforum, btw ;)
Oh wait, I just realized this is one of 3 identical threads you started, so I guess I'm late to the party :goggly:
well I am trying to get a sound similar to Miss May I. And using my pod xt pro connected to my tascam 1641 via digital coaxial cable. And with the tascam I am using Fl Studio with the free hass stereo delay which is set to Heavy guitar and I'm also using Izotope Ozone 4 and using Harmonic Exciter, in which I excite the lows and highs and leave the mids alone. I'm also using waves L3 as a maximizer on the cd master setting. Any suggestions? I believe it sounds alot better than I used to get a couple of weeks ago, but it still sounds like I need some finishing touches to even it out. I feel like I'm so close to getting the guitar sound I want!!!!:kickass:

here's an example:

Also, it's very apparent that you are using pirated software...! :u-huh:
^ haha

I think it is hilarious that his signature advertises that he pirates software also...

What, is that what Demonoid is? If so, then...

lol, it is for torrenting. but I actually only use it to find stock photos or rare movies and stuff. not lying!!! Usually if you try to pirate software there are too many viruses, so I don't bother, and use the money I get from working, the band, or smooching parents to buy the software. I'm also trying to record my band soon here, and not just myself.