help with podxt pro guitar sound?

lol, I'm such a n00b at this recording thing. The only thing I can get well at is the drums because I usually use a drum engine, vox I'm okay at, I just mostly use pod farm for that for right now till I run into something else. And bass hasn't usually been a problem for me since I don't need that much of dynamics in bass guitar right now since I'm basically just trying to fill low end.

you shouldn;t be using guitars to fill in for the lack off bass, alway let the bass do the low end work. The last clip is getting better, but it has too much bass, and the upper mids/lower highs are suffering as well as the mids. YOu did bring down the gain, but IMO for the tone/style you are after it may be too much. You need to get the gain back up and to compensate, bring the uper highs down to keep clarity. Take out some of the bass and eq in some mids (1k area) and it should be golden.

Also, tighten up your playing, it woud help a lot. Diggin into the strings more on the chuggin and palm mutes will help saturate the dynamics and give you more punch.
lol, I'm such a n00b at this recording thing. The only thing I can get well at is the drums because I usually use a drum engine, vox I'm okay at, I just mostly use pod farm for that for right now till I run into something else. And bass hasn't usually been a problem for me since I don't need that much of dynamics in bass guitar right now since I'm basically just trying to fill low end.
Hey mate, its ok. You are an african american, so the size of your reproductive organ compensates for your noobiness.
ps: your tone is getting much better and all the good advise has been given. So theres nothing for me to say apart from stating that you got big balls.
you shouldn;t be using guitars to fill in for the lack off bass, alway let the bass do the low end work. The last clip is getting better, but it has too much bass, and the upper mids/lower highs are suffering as well as the mids. YOu did bring down the gain, but IMO for the tone/style you are after it may be too much. You need to get the gain back up and to compensate, bring the uper highs down to keep clarity. Take out some of the bass and eq in some mids (1k area) and it should be golden.

Also, tighten up your playing, it woud help a lot. Diggin into the strings more on the chuggin and palm mutes will help saturate the dynamics and give you more punch.

I'm talking about the bass filling in for the low end of the mix. not the guitars. I bump the bass up.
Once you get this shit happening in the mix, get back to us again soon and we can make further judgement.

Here's with the tips.

MS Diamond Plate

Drive: 60%
Bass: 60%
Mid: 80%
Treble: 70%
Prescence 100%

Tube Screamer
Drive 0
Gain 100%
Tone 65%

365hz- 5dB
100hz- 5.6 dB
1.5Khz- 4.1 dB
5.5Khz- -0.5dB

sounnds kinda messy, but I bet my untight playing has to do with that too.





That's mine. But I'm just running scratch tracks with it. Cab modeling is the same for both.
Here's with the tips.

MS Diamond Plate

Drive: 60%
Bass: 60%
Mid: 80%
Treble: 70%
Prescence 100%

Tube Screamer
Drive 0
Gain 100%
Tone 65%

365hz- 5dB
100hz- 5.6 dB
1.5Khz- 4.1 dB
5.5Khz- -0.5dB

sounnds kinda messy, but I bet my untight playing has to do with that too.

Gonna have to hear it in a mix dude to give proper judgement
from that sample I can tell you
your mids should come down some (especially if you're going to be quad tracking)
your treble should go up some
what cab model are you using?
Lol, I said don't boost 100 Hz dude, all that does it takes up space where the bass guitar would be once you put it in a mix, it just creates mud. Replace 100 Hz with around 650-800 Hz and boost it a tiny bit. Reduce the gain on the Tube Screamer a little too.
Also, seriously, just work on your actual playing chops too. So much of a good sound comes from good playing performances that it's not funny. Just severe amounts of practice to a metronome really, that'll get things happening good.
I use the 4x12 2001 treadplate cab model. with 40% room and a 67 condenser.

Dude, what the hell lol. Use 0% room and use either the SM57 on-axis or off-axis. I prefer off-axis, helps with the fizz and harshness but the on-axis works too, or if you are quadtracking (two takes per side) do one of on-axis and one of off-axis for each side and blend to taste using volume.

Loren: your Screamer settings are interesting, I use it in front of the Treadplate Dual with like 14% drive, 50% gain and 50% tone. I'm curious to try that though!

Petrovsk Mizinski said:
Replace 6.0 KHz with 5.5 KHz I reckon and instead of boosting, actually cut that frequency very slightly (maybe less than 1 decibel of cut) and that will help smooth out the high end a little, which should be good since your presence is set to full anyway.

Bad idea using the EQ on the POD. The 6.0kHz he mentions is the last band on the EQ and it's a shelf only, not a parametric. You want to notch that area out to help with fizz, not shelve it out. Doing a narrow notch in post along with typical low-pass (10-12kHz) helps the high end of POD sounds tremendously.

I agree with your other points, though. Around 300 you want to boost about 4dB and around 8-900 also around 4dB, helps open the sound up in a good way. Don't boost the lows (100Hz) like that, just muddddddd.