help with sampler for live use????


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
well we are thinking of getting one and just using like protools or whatever and record maybe synth or weired vocal and noise intro :kickass:

Just need some pointing in the direction of what kind of hardware or sampler machine i would need? Also would probably need some midi pads so our drummer can set samples off.

Just need some help, I'm real new to this sampler stuff and am looking on ebay and getting confused.
Ummm, you ask too much for a single unit, you should look onto a E-MU E4 or Akai S3000/5000/6000 and some alesis D4 to translate trigger to midi.
Another way would be a Akai MPC...but not much memory, but they have sequencers.
For intro things I would just hip "play" on a CD or mp3, way cheaper and same quality if you don't need a click track.

EDIT: I remembered all the hassle, load times, HD failures, Floppies broken...samplers are bad ideas live if you don't have someone to take care and operate that stuff.
shouldn't a sampler have xlr outputs for live on stage?

those seem like studio sampler or something?

I swear i have seen people with a thing buy drums and just some pads and they set off samples.
Altho I have not tried using it live my fav hardware sampler is the E-MU E 4XT Ultra.. takes a little time to learn but has everything in it sequencer, hard drive, efx, multipul outs 8 expandable to 16 and synth engine....and more.. I've had the thing since before they came out & still to this day have it on all day in case I need it & it hasn't failed on me yet...
I've got an Akai s3000xl. I think the outputs are balanced... but not xlrs.

I've seen them used plenty live back in the day.

I never used it live. Or in the studio, really. Damn impulse buying :lol:

Live I have used my old Akai s20 phrase sampler. I ran my drum machine and had it trigger the samples I needed. I usually only ran the drum machine into a monitor that we could hear on stage, and the sounds were all weird, so that if you heard them from the audience it wouldn't really sound lie a drum machine track.