help with these guitars

this one any better? I think I may just need to mic even though I suck at mic'ing anymore. it's starting to get into years of decay super bassy territory.

did everyone get together and agree not to comment on my threads at some point? :lol: maybe I'm not brootalz enough?

alright, I'll answer the first one: it's amplitube 2 (tube lead, TS in front and rack compressor), cab off (in this latest one). left has guitarhack's old center mesa, right has his old in-between mesa. both have a logic express compressor on too, some preset thing.
Is it just me, or did the first clip just sound better? It might be just me, because I usually listen instrumental tracks the "is there any room for vocals" way, and it had.

cool cause there are lotsa vocals for this one. thank you for helpin'.