Help with toms cutting through


Oct 10, 2009
I'm having some trouble with this track, drummer plays the toms A LOT in this track, while everything else is going full blast... I did a fair amount of eq and automation here but either the lower toms disappear in the track or they're too loud... any tips? Opinions on the mix in general are also welcome.

The biggest problems are the section in the intro where the toms are constant and played along with full blast kick, bass and guitar, and then the same section kinda repeats later on during the guitar solo, which makes it extra tough to cut through.

I got rid of the room mic in everything but the intro where it's just drums, because it was masking and muddying things up everywhere else. Forum Mix help/Black Ocean 4 29 2013 Mix 3.mp3
I have the same problem with the low toms. These don't sound bad man. They seem a bit centered though, like they could stand for wider panning.
I have the same problem with the low toms. These don't sound bad man. They seem a bit centered though, like they could stand for wider panning.

Thanks man. Hmm... I printed the overhead and room mic channels from SSD with this panning in place, do you think I could get away with panning the direct mics of the toms wider than they are in the overheads and room? or would that sound weird?