Need help mixing guitar leads - samples inside


Oct 10, 2009
Hey guys, trying to learn how to mix a decent lead tone. Here I'm using a VST amp, which I know isn't going to get the best result compared to a real amp, but I've heard plenty of killer samples here using VST sims. Anyway, I've uploaded a screen cam thing showing what plugins and settings I'm using (can't figure out how to record sound with it). I'm also uploading samples of two different solos (using the same settings). I can't seem to get it right- either it sounds too effected or too dry. Any help is greatly appreciated as always!:headbang:

EDIT: Newest Forum Mix help/Track 2 Solo Test 1 18 2013.mp3 Forum Mix help/Track 1 Solo Test 1 18 2013.mp3
Also, do I have to change anything when the solo DIs are at different levels? For instance the 1st and second examples there vary wildly in volume with the DIs, but I figure it doesn't matter since it's being run through an amp sim?
To my ears, the solo sound has too much effects (delay/reverb and even chorus maybe?) It does not fit the mix, sounds like it is recorded in another room while the band plays in the same room. According to your x50 setting you have a shitload of gain which is really unnecessary. Also maybe you can change the cab to something else, see if that works for you.
i recommend you to put the same cab at the solo as at your main riff and remove some gain from tse x50 and when you do that remove some ''drive'' from tube screamer, and put the ''tone'' level to maximum :) keep the di level as it is don't add or remove db's :)
Also for some reason I'm not getting email notifications for this thread even though I subscribed to it and selected that option...
To me, it sounds better. You can also change the reverb type to make them more "alive". Maybe try removing chorus from the aux and use it as a insert if you must (though i believe that these kind of solos do not need any chorus).
To me, it sounds better. You can also change the reverb type to make them more "alive". Maybe try removing chorus from the aux and use it as a insert if you must (though i believe that these kind of solos do not need any chorus).

I'll try removing the chorus, I only put it on there because in Ermz' mixing guide he says all leads like a little chorus.
Also, this will definitely sound noobish, but I'm still not quite sure what certain things actually DO on amp sims. I'm using Lextac at the moment, but I really am unsure how the input knob, poweramp knob, gain structure do for the tone. Like, should input always be left in the middle?