What's wrong with this snare?


Oct 10, 2009
Printing this snare right now, got it compressed, transient designer on it, eq'd, etc etc. But I can't seem to get rid of some nasty qualities this snare has. I'm blending it 50/50 with a sample, but even still there's some noticeable "bonk" to the snare on a lot of hits. Anyone know how to fix this? Here's a sample (this is just the original snare, no drum samples, and no verb or anything)

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2354806/Sneap Forum Mix help/John Snare S1 .mp3

Edit: Revised

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2354806/Sneap Forum Mix help/John S1 Snare Revised.mp3
Seems it gets ringier at some spots where he hits it different....dunno if that is a tuning issue or not
not much to fix if you don't want to replace/augment....you can try to notch out the ring
I also realized that I had decapitator on after transient designer, on full wet.... it was only at like 2 drive but I put it down to around 4 on mix knob and it sounds much better. Still have to get rid of the ring though
Seems it gets ringier at some spots where he hits it different....dunno if that is a tuning issue or not
not much to fix if you don't want to replace/augment....you can try to notch out the ring

Yeah I was trying to do this, it's hard without losing clarity. I guess I'll have to make the sample a little more prominent than the real snare
Ok here's a revised version, I did the notch at 450 to get the ring out, changed decapitator settings so mix is only at like 2, etc etc. This snare is very very dynamic, so I'm wondering what I should do.... I have CLA 76 on there doing about 12-15 db gr, but there's still a big gap between light and hard hits. Do I just clip all those peaks with g clip, or should I try to compress them more? I already have g clip at the end of the chain before rc channel, but it's not taking a lot off. I'm afraid of neutering the hard hits...

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2354806/Sneap Forum Mix help/John S1 Snare Revised.mp3
here's a screen of what's happening in g clip with the snare... this shows the huge jump between light and hard hits... should I be clipping it more than this? Like I said this is after eq, compression (12-15 db 1176) transient designer etc

Don't ever mix a snare with it's track solo'd. Mix it in the mix and you'll save yoursef a lot of time posting here and waiting for someone to reply.

I do, this is just me trying to isolate the problem on this snare track. I noticed the problem in the mix, as I mentioned in my original post. At the moment I have the problems nailed down and fixed, I'm just trying to get the g clip settings right. Do you have any thoughts on that? Should I be clipping it to where all the hard hits are clipped down to the same level as the normal hits (see above pic I posted)?
As long as it sounds good, I don't usually care for the visuals (red leds, clip indcators and stuff) that much. And in my opinion this last clip sounded good on its own.
Is it possible that you post the same clip, just with everything in this time?
As long as it sounds good, I don't usually care for the visuals (red leds, clip indcators and stuff) that much. And in my opinion this last clip sounded good on its own.
Is it possible that you post the same clip, just with everything in this time?

Sure, I'm bouncing a mix of the snare now... do you mean with the verb and everything or just the original snare...
Also, what kind of hi/lo pass are you guys dong to the snare verb bus usually? Mine's currently at like 200 hz/ 7.7 khz, but I think they both should be more extreme
It cuts through fine. Like I said I just wanted to get rid of the ringing and I had some questions about the clipping, but obviously that's all settled now