What's wrong with this snare?

I'm pretty happy with the snare now (I'll probably lower it a bit more) but I'm trying to get my kick to sound more like this - this is a mix from a fellow sneapster, tempe.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2354806/Sn...p Forum Oracle Sound great kick and snare.mp3

I love the kick and snare sound he's got there. I'm using slate on kick, and the sound is similar enough, I just want to get more of a clean, tight hard hitting kick sound like he's got there...
I wouldn't try to kill the dynamics of the snare. Dynamics would make it really unique. That ring is probably tuning issues (bottom head higher than top. It's a jazz thing), or just lower quality metal that's being used in newer snares.

That kick is a goddamn gattling cannon! So that's what a large amount of low end in a fast kick sounds like :D