Trying to poke holes in hi gain guitars :)

Thanks... as for vocals, I like them a bit lower in the mix than most... as for bass, I know I suck at bass tones, been trying to work on that. At the moment I'm just trying to make sure that the bass isn't overpowering the other instruments. What do you normally use for bass? Do you do the standard 3 separate tones thing? I can never seem to get it right...

There are a ton of different approaches, I usually only use 1 or 2 tracks but I've tried using 3 (or more) tracks in different ways with moderate success. The most crucial parts of a good bass guitar tone, as I've come to learn from trial and error and that one fearedse vid, is a good sounding bass guitar (with fresh strings!) and a good player. This is something you won't get in many VSTi basses. Once you have a good raw sound it's hard to make it sound bad unintentionally.
There are a ton of different approaches, I usually only use 1 or 2 tracks but I've tried using 3 (or more) tracks in different ways with moderate success. The most crucial parts of a good bass guitar tone, as I've come to learn from trial and error and that one fearedse vid, is a good sounding bass guitar (with fresh strings!) and a good player. This is something you won't get in many VSTi basses. Once you have a good raw sound it's hard to make it sound bad unintentionally.

The one I used is the Prominy SR5 Rock Bass, which sounds pretty damn good to me... it's regarded as one of the best programmed bass sounds... check it out here


I think that the program might've come with some presets for amp sim programs... maybe I'll just try that and tweak it
You're welcome, thanks for taking a stab at it! Sounds pretty good, maybe a bit hollow... what did you do to the guitars EQ wise? Did you reamp the bass or use the one in the main folder?

You're right about the hollowness, just fixed this:

Here are my EQ settings for the left channel. The right channel is exactly the same.
I routed them to a bus with a pultec EQ to get back some low end and shine, and a tape sim for some saturation.

I used one of the bass files you provided. I think i ended up with the 'less mids' one.
You're right about the hollowness, just fixed this:

Here are my EQ settings for the left channel. The right channel is exactly the same.
I routed them to a bus with a pultec EQ to get back some low end and shine, and a tape sim for some saturation.

I used one of the bass files you provided. I think i ended up with the 'less mids' one.

Interesting EQ, this version sounds pretty good... So you only high passed at 90 and lo cut at like 12 khz? and just notched out a bunch of small peaks... in my EQ I juts had a LP and HP at like 120 and 6 or 7 khz... I'll have to try your method
I'm trying to go for a mix similar to All That Remains "The Fall Of Ideals" btw, love that cd... level wise especially, with the loud guitars and such...

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