
Aug 5, 2003
My band has recorded some tracks in a studio but now we need to get the stuff mixed and im a complete noob on mixing.. i can record tracks in cubase but i have no idea how i can give the whole band a good mix??
Is easier to mix a guitartone recorded with podxt?? (i have the toneport upgraded so its basically all thats in a podxt)
the guitars we recorded is my h&k switchblade amp with 2 microphone, an sm57 and a neumann..we recorded every guitartrack twice so its basically a shitload of guitartracks and i dont know if its a little overkill with to many??

please guys help me!! where do i start?!? I use Cubase...
To be honest you've opened a can of worms. The best place to start looking is the EQ Guide, Pro Tips (by Andy himself) and Oz's Drum Mixing tutorial are all on there and are excellent starting points. In the nicest possible way don't expect pro results if this is your first time, I've been mixing for about a year now and I still consider myself a total noob.
thanks for the reply :) i will read it through!
Since I'm using cubase and EZ drummer with the drumkit from hell exp. i wonder if there's is any plugins that I need to make the mixing easier/sound better? (EQplugin, compressor etc etc.)
I am thankful for all the tips I can get!

I dont expect a pro result and will probably hire someone else to do it, maybe from this board!
However, my plan for the future is that i should be able to record and mix our demos completely self financed, thus being able to record alot more often in the future!

essential plugins for making the mixing simpler/sóund better?!? dont know what need really, compressor maybe? better EQ?

essential plugins for making the mixing simpler/sóund better?!? dont know what need really, compressor maybe? better EQ?

KVRaudio is the place to go for free plugins (just google it).

The things you want (or at least that I use most commonly) are a good compressor, an EQ and Saturators.

Try and get as much stuff as you can from these companies (all free):

Digitalfishphones (excellent comps/expander)
Kjaerhus (Delay and Chorus are really good)
Buzzroom (Download the Comp zip)
Voxengo (All their free stuff is good)

Individual Plugs:

Tessla LE is a good saturator that I use a lot as well.
GClip (great on snare)
AIX Electric Q (best EQ)
SIR 1.1 for loading up reverb impulses. I use this on my Snare and Toms with a big plate verb.

I'd also do a search, free plugins get talked about a lot on here.