HELPHELP 6505 sale


Apr 17, 2009
im in america atm and i went to guitar center (lol) they have a 6505 combo which is used - 60 watts but its been in th shop for over a year, they're selling it for $799:OMG:, worth it? does it have a pre-amp out?

Im sick of my triple rec, i tried out the 6505 combo today and fell in love with the t0n3z even without a tube screamer strapped in!

i might go all the way and just buy the head as it comes to about £700 GBP but a few questions regarding that are:

if i get the amp biased and everything with the stock ruby tubes will i have to rebias it when i get back to the u.k if i take the tubes out to avoid them smashing on the aeroplane? im currently using a 1000 watt transformer for my triple rec as its american made..will there be any complications if i use it with the 6505 or will the transformer just do less work? the guys in the shop kindly said they'd box it up so i can avoid customs charging me spit loads.

They all do, the FX send is the preamp out. That said, $800 for a combo really isn't a very good deal tbh; well, maybe it is for a 6505 combo, but since the 5150 combo is the same thing, well, you know :D Can't help you with the transformer question unfortunately!
it is for us in the u.k :p you all complain about the price of everything, even the £20 to fill your car tanks;). Nah,but seriously guys i'll probably consider the head more then. I'll do alot more recording with the amp than gigging, and usually for recording i us the pre-amp out with i going to notice a big change on the same setup i.e TSS/TS9 w/e but with different amps?

I.e triple rec out -> impulse = too fizzy

6505 -> impulse = god?
and i think the transformer should be fine, the amp tech i spoke to - the only official one for Mesa in the u.k said that the only problem id have is if i wanted a single coil setup then i'd probably get alot of hum if i was close to the amp
ho ho ho! not so bleeding likely unless you wanna get it modded.
throw in the tubes and hope for the best
its cause im used to the bias switch thats on the rec that lets me flip between 6L6 and EL34, so you're saying i dont have to bias the 6505? i thought u had to bias the amp everytime you put the tubes back in?/new tubes in?
Nope, because 6505's are biased so cold it's not an issue; the bias isn't even adjustable! (actually, I think it is on the 6505+, but apparently even if you turn the knob to max it's still cold, although naturally you'll wanna confirm that before trying! :loco: )
this is a true slice of epic cheese. Well i've got like a week left here so i'll let ya'll know how it turns out,back to my question about the preamp out tone..will i notice a big difference? Mesa's/triple rec tends to sound pretty fizzy and scooped and thats not what im after
marcus.... unleash the fury

Haha, well admittedly I haven't really done much impulse recording with my Dual, so maybe they don't sound too great separating preamp from power amp. Then again, I've heard some good clips - first and foremost, Loco, you've been using the slave out, right? Cuz one thing I definitely determined is that the slave out is the pure preamp signal, whereas the FX send sounds very muffled and fuzzy in comparison, especially through an impulse! Also, it could of course depend on the impulse in question, as well as amp settings; honestly, I really hate impulses for that reason, I can never find just the right one, so being able to mic a cab is actually quite liberating for me! :D (I say that because some seem to think think it's a greater challenge, but definitely not I)
uhhhh wait, you have a triple rec head and you want to use a 6505 combo? hmmmm wait what??? me confused.

I'm not. every 5150/6505 I've ever heard/tried have sounded a lot better than any recto I've heard/tried.

Not to even start about how good the 5150/6505 sounds recorded. It's fucking excellent!

I'd say go for it! take it home!
Nah, actually I've heard the combo is biased warmer, and a couple of clips LosingReality made of his 5150 combo through an Avatar 4x12 (w/ V30s) were some of the best 5150 tones I've ever heard!

That said, I still prefer Rectifiers :D
Nah, actually I've heard the combo is biased warmer, and a couple of clips LosingReality made of his 5150 combo through an Avatar 4x12 (w/ V30s) were some of the best 5150 tones I've ever heard!

That said, I still prefer Rectifiers :D

Yep, they are biased warmer. I can't wait 'till the day an amp comes around that you like better than a Recto. You should hear the Windsor on mid scooped settings. ON THAT TOPIC... Marcus, send me some DI's and I'll reamp out of the Windsor for you.
Haha, well I'll say this Greg, I've recently realized that the Soldano SLO100 on KSE's "Holy Diver" cover (and All That Remains' "The Fall of Ideals") definitely sounds as good as the best Dual Rec tones (recorded with 3 channels or Roadsters) I've ever heard, just different (upper vs. lower mids); to me, it has the 5150 flavor, but with so much more chunk and vitality to it, none of the weird fizziness/lifelessness/slightly metallic qualities I hear in most 5150 recordings. I'd imagine I could get a 5150 modded to sound like an SLO100 for not much money, but I think by the time I can afford to have a second amp around, I'll just go for a Soldano Avenger (just the OD channel of the SLO100 for half the price) and be done with it! :D
well i was using the s-preshigh impulse by Ryan...i dont know im starting to think maybe my monitor position has something to do with it. And yeah man i use the slave out but do you have to crank that to full to get the most out of the preamp? i think the triple recs are alot fizzier than the duals for some reason, from some of the stuff i've heard by people on the forums. I think they sound more transistory but i should watch what im saying because atm pod tone is kicking my ass haha. Btw if its s-preshigh does that mean i should be using minimal presence on my amp to get a half decent sound?....maybe my tubes need replaced..hmmph