Here comes Opeth....


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Well, one of the more hotly awaited CDs of the year comes out tomorrow, that being Opeth's new disc. I suspect Soundmaster will have it before the day closes, as will I. Any other fans here?

They really are one of the best metal bands working today, in my opinion of course.

Incidentally, Soundmaster, I saw an interview with them in the new Revolver (I believe it was). I read it at the store, but it was a good story. Basically Mikael said that they didn't like the other bands on Sounds of the Underground, but that they did it just to, "Steal their fans..." Ha. Also, he talks about Lopez's re-ocurring health issues and all. He refers to him as, "a problem child..." but says they are all very loyal to him and each other, and haven't even considered replacing him permanently. A good interview, really. This was the same magazine I saw the ad for the Melissa Re-issue in. It had a big section on the "Swedish Invasion," as they put it. I'm pretty sure it was Revolver. I didn't buy it, but the cover mentioned the Swedish invasion story....if you're curious.

Also, he says there is a states tour in the works, headline.
I definately gotta go pick up a copy tomorrow... I wonder if they've hit the mainstream enough so that it will be in Best Buy, or if I have to mail order it.
I think I'm about the only person who hasn't heard this disk already, since it leaked a few weeks ago & has been bouncing around the internet
That's funny you mention that. It is actually in the Best Buy newspaper-insert-on-sale-thingy. No shit. They are advertising it as on sale for $11.99.

Anyway, I haven't heard it either. Just the officially released single. I still like a surprise.
Well, here's something cool. I just checked iTunes (it's about 11:00 p.m. in California) and the new album is there for download. Bless the Net. Downloading right now.
ElectricWiz said:
That's funny you mention that. It is actually in the Best Buy newspaper-insert-on-sale-thingy. No shit. They are advertising it as on sale for $11.99.

Anyway, I haven't heard it either. Just the officially released single. I still like a surprise.

BestBuy actually also stocked their previous albums, as well. For a chain retailer, BestBuy usually has a strong selection of metal.
ElectricWiz said:
Well, one of the more hotly awaited CDs of the year comes out tomorrow, that being Opeth's new disc. I suspect Soundmaster will have it before the day closes, as will I. Any other fans here?

They really are one of the best metal bands working today, in my opinion of course.

Incidentally, Soundmaster, I saw an interview with them in the new Revolver (I believe it was). I read it at the store, but it was a good story. Basically Mikael said that they didn't like the other bands on Sounds of the Underground, but that they did it just to, "Steal their fans..." Ha. Also, he talks about Lopez's re-ocurring health issues and all. He refers to him as, "a problem child..." but says they are all very loyal to him and each other, and haven't even considered replacing him permanently. A good interview, really. This was the same magazine I saw the ad for the Melissa Re-issue in. It had a big section on the "Swedish Invasion," as they put it. I'm pretty sure it was Revolver. I didn't buy it, but the cover mentioned the Swedish invasion story....if you're curious.

Also, he says there is a states tour in the works, headline.

I will indeed pick this up today on my lunch break. I've been waiting for this one in eager anticipation! I've only heard the 5 minute edit of "Conjuration" which was available through ITunes, as well as 30-second samples of each tune found on the Barnes and Noble site.

In my view, Opeth fas 'assumed the torch' first carried by Led Zeppelin, then passed to Iron Maiden. Metallica held it for a brief few minutes before dropping the proverbial ball! LOL

Opeth is right there....I consider Mikael to be among the most talented men in music. And his voice is simply perfect. His clean vocals are so....soothing and melodious. And, he's really the only 'gruff' vocalist that I really enjoy (along with Aaron of MY Dying Bride).

Awesome band!
ElectricWiz said:
Well, one of the more hotly awaited CDs of the year comes out tomorrow, that being Opeth's new disc. I suspect Soundmaster will have it before the day closes, as will I. Any other fans here?

I don't really know if I'm up to fan status yet. I started out with Still Life, didn't like it at first, and put it away for a few months. I was ripping some 2X4s with a skil saw in my back yard on a really hot day and put it on for some reason. It just clicked. Don't know if I just happened to hit on the right combination of environment or what. I picked up Blackwater Park a few days later and it clicked right away.

I've listened to the new one a coupla times and plan on getting it the next time I order online. I don't have a bad case of the gotta-have-its or I'd stop on the way home from work and pick it up. I also like to support places like The End and Laser's Edge instead of the big chain stores. I guess it could be argued that if I bought it at Best Buy then it'd get marked on a chit sheet somewhere and they'd be more likely to stock more metal in the future. Dunno.
Blackwater Park was my first taste of Opeth. I have all their albums! I AM a fan! I like the new album except for a little too much keyboards for me. Other that that I love it!!!

btw my copy is a download.
Delize, Blackwater Park was my intro as well. I went and bought everything after that. I'm in agreement with Soundmaster. I think that Mikael Akerfeldt must just plain have the same mix of what makes music good in his head as I do, and a whole lot more talent of course. They are the most interesting (and talented) metal band working today, for me.

The new album is fantastic, with one singular complaint: Steven Wilson's production somehow managed to make it sound like there were 1000 guitars playing at any given time. This new "sound," however slight a change, may have been quite deliberate though, as it gives room for the keyboards, and Mikael's voice is highlighted a little more, like it should be.

Soundmaster, I think Baying of the Hounds has a real Deep Purple vibe in places, the parts that are really cooking. Overall I think it is the usual greatness that they generally exhibit. Also, the production actually gives it a vibe closer to, say, Morningrise. The stuff I like best so far are things like Hours of Wreath and Atonement. That real atmospheric spooky stuff that Mikael has such a talent for.
ElectricWiz said:
That's funny you mention that. It is actually in the Best Buy newspaper-insert-on-sale-thingy. No shit. They are advertising it as on sale for $11.99.

No shit, huh?! What's the world coming to.... with a (slightly) death metal band making it to the Best Buy newspaper ad :) Can't argue with the price though... The End is charging $14.49.
From what I've heard of samples so far, the record will kick ass.

However, I highly doubt they'll ever again top the magic of "Blackwater Park". Many groundbreaking, seminal albums are never topped:

Master of Puppets
Physical Grafiti
and some would argue that Number of the Beast has never been topped, although I disagree.
SoundMaster said:
From what I've heard of samples so far, the record will kick ass.

However, I highly doubt they'll ever again top the magic of "Blackwater Park". Many groundbreaking, seminal albums are never topped:

Master of Puppets
Physical Grafiti
and some would argue that Number of the Beast has never been topped, although I disagree.

I agree, both that Blackwater Park is their apex, and that the new album won't (doesn't, I've heard it now) top it. I also agree that the only thing in that list that is questionable is Number of the Beast. It's a high water mark for metal, generally speaking, and is in some respects Maiden's best. But then one remembers Piece of Mind, Seventh Son, Powerslave, even Somewhere in Time....and you have to reconsider. To be honest, I think Maiden's best album is everything from Number through Seventh Son.....really, I could argue a different one on any given day, and so just have to say I see them all as equals. Some are good for different reasons than others, but all are great. One of the best runs of albums I know of.

Also, I've argued that Physical Graffitti is Zep's best to many a friend and aquaintance, but pretty much always to no avail.
Soundmaster, sometimes I get creeped out because I think you might look exactly like me, have the same job, etc. Kinda eerie dude.
ElectricWiz said:
I agree, both that Blackwater Park is their apex, and that the new album won't (doesn't, I've heard it now) top it. I also agree that the only thing in that list that is questionable is Number of the Beast. It's a high water mark for metal, generally speaking, and is in some respects Maiden's best. But then one remembers Piece of Mind, Seventh Son, Powerslave, even Somewhere in Time....and you have to reconsider. To be honest, I think Maiden's best album is everything from Number through Seventh Son.....really, I could argue a different one on any given day, and so just have to say I see them all as equals. Some are good for different reasons than others, but all are great. One of the best runs of albums I know of.

Also, I've argued that Physical Graffitti is Zep's best to many a friend and aquaintance, but pretty much always to no avail.
Soundmaster, sometimes I get creeped out because I think you might look exactly like me, have the same job, etc. Kinda eerie dude.

LOL! Well, what do you do for a living? I work as a media planner / direct mail broker and list planner for a major consultatant in NYC.

COncerning Maiden, I couldn't agree more. On any given day, I can argue the dominace of any of their 1983 - 1988 releases, although SIT usually wins out these days!
SoundMaster said:
LOL! Well, what do you do for a living? I work as a media planner / direct mail broker and list planner for a major consultatant in NYC.

COncerning Maiden, I couldn't agree more. On any given day, I can argue the dominace of any of their 1983 - 1988 releases, although SIT usually wins out these days!

I work at San Jose State University. I am in charge of a facet of the Interlibrary Loan Program. So, different occupations, but you must admit we've two extremely non-metal jobs. Haha.
I'm on about my fourth listen now, and it really is something. It takes a listen to find its vibe, and then, I believe the phrase is, "Holy shit!" Seriously. Opeth never fails to amaze me. This is right on par with their other stuff. I can't say enough good about it. Exceeds my expectations, and ranks amongst their best, no matter how early it is to say that. Also, it's funny we have been talking about Maiden's great run of albums, 'cause that's really the thing with Opeth: as soon as you pick a favorite you listen to one of the other ones, and you know, that's your favorite.

This thing is a monster.
ElectricWiz said:
I'm on about my fourth listen now, and it really is something. It takes a listen to find its vibe, and then, I believe the phrase is, "Holy shit!" Seriously. Opeth never fails to amaze me. This is right on par with their other stuff. I can't say enough good about it. Exceeds my expectations, and ranks amongst their best, no matter how early it is to say that. Also, it's funny we have been talking about Maiden's great run of albums, 'cause that's really the thing with Opeth: as soon as you pick a favorite you listen to one of the other ones, and you know, that's your favorite.

This thing is a monster.

I've only listened two it once through. And, as usual with any Opeth release, I'm not too impressed. Of course, I'm sure that the melodies will dig in soon enough.
I didn't like "Grand Conjuration" when I first heard it, but love it now!

I bought "MY Arms Your Hearse" the day it was released and remember being highly disappointed. It was so different than the first two. WIthin one week, however, it was easy to label it album of the year 1998...and that's no easy fete as 1998 saw some AMAZING releases:
Anathema - Alternative 4
Gathering - How to Measure A Planet
My DYing Bride - 34.788%....Complete
Katatonia - The Discouraged Ones

But yes, Opeth has yet to do ANY wrong. They're alone a top the metal heap.