Here in Paris


Sep 16, 2002
Hey all,

This tour has been awesome for me and the rest of the guys. Every audience has been different and wonderful. We are looking forward to yet another great show tonight at the Elysee Montmartre(my favorite venue name). We did a lot of sight seeing yesterday but today it's back to business. We've been looking forward to this tour for so long, it's hard to beleive that it's coming close to an end.

As for the US tour.....we have been trying to figure out a viable way to do it for months and actually were committed to the LA gig before we knew about it. We will be doing that show and most likely(but not definitely) doing a northern California thing as well. We are talking about trying to do some east coast stuff but every day we commit to is one day closer to divorce and homelessness(hahaha). And, to be honest, I miss my kids so much right now that it's choking me so more and more dates bring mixed emotions.

We appreciate each and every one of you from Brazil to Rhode Island and hope to perform for each of you(without it costing airfare) at some point. Maybe the live CD were hoping to do will hold you over(ooops did I say that out loud?).

Well bye for now,
Hi ted.

A lot of good news you have man!
I'm really glad to hear from you that the tour is going really well.
Maybe someday I can see a show of you live! ;)

Please Ted could you share with us, some pics from the tour?? Specially to put on my site.

Btw, can you ask Doug if he received my email?
I'm trying to promote you here in Brazil, but I need your help!

Send a hug to Ed.
Hi Everyone,

Soon I will have tons of pics from the German tour up on my site and "officially" released on CD to Enchant (yes, Bill, I am talking to YOU! :) ) for their use! I also have to put the finishing touches on my little tour diary and will definitely edit it appropriately, guys! ;)

Doug, Ted, Bill, Sean, and of course Ed - thanks again for all the fun and memories! Hope I can do it again next year! :) Of course, I'd love to add a few images from an east coast gig, but.....I have the patience of a saint -- didn't you notice? :)

Hi Mare.

What a luck you have young woman!!!
Share some pics with us please! Maybe I could put some of them in my website.

Send us the link to your diary!