Here you go heshers.....


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Some wrestling with cyclops material for you.......

Nice, I really like what I am hearing from these guys.
definitely matured both musically and lyrically.
I think I am gonna have to pick this up!!

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A lot of people in Canada wouldn't blink an eye at spending $20 on a full length especially if they enjoyed the show. I'll bet Ragnarokkr was their first USA show.

it was their first US show. It is just funny...Mandyke will buy anything and post it on facebook and here but won't spend 5 bucks more that he charges people. Just silly.
really? but you buy like 30 CD's a week it seems but can't spend that little extra on a CD.

Well i dont buy 30 cds a week, and when i do get alot at once, it means i found them for a good deal. Where instead of getting 1 cd for $20, i'm getting 3 or 4. Paying $20 for a cd is a little ridiculous if you ask me, and yes I am aware I charged that for the Attic cd when it came out.

And dont start complaining about my prices, I would love to charge $10 or $12 for every cd i sell but the reality is sometimes to get one cd from a label or band cost me that much, especially when they're coming from Europe. Conversion rates fuck up alot of stuff I want to get, and i know you know that conversion rates are awful.
Well i dont buy 30 cds a week, and when i do get alot at once, it means i found them for a good deal. Where instead of getting 1 cd for $20, i'm getting 3 or 4. Paying $20 for a cd is a little ridiculous if you ask me, and yes I am aware I charged that for the Attic cd when it came out.

And dont start complaining about my prices, I would love to charge $10 or $12 for every cd i sell but the reality is sometimes to get one cd from a label or band cost me that much, especially when they're coming from Europe. Conversion rates fuck up alot of stuff I want to get, and i know you know that conversion rates are awful.

I love busting your balls. It is just odd that a band you like you won't buy the damn CD over 5 more dollars when you have shown you have zero restraint for spending.
I love busting your balls. It is just odd that a band you like you won't buy the damn CD over 5 more dollars when you have shown you have zero restraint for spending.

I do have restraint on spending, early 2013 was when i had zero restraint, i've since cut down. Alot of stuff i get now is on sale or i trade. But you also have to consider I want to get other stuff as well, especially at Ragnarokkr. Lots of bands and distros, lots of stuff to buy. And a $20 cd wasnt on that list. Back then I was working for minimum wage 12 hours a week or less and in college, more selective.

And yes, you and Mendoza bust the shit out of my balls too frequently :fu:
I do have restraint on spending, early 2013 was when i had zero restraint, i've since cut down. Alot of stuff i get now is on sale or i trade. But you also have to consider I want to get other stuff as well, especially at Ragnarokkr. Lots of bands and distros, lots of stuff to buy. And a $20 cd wasnt on that list. Back then I was working for minimum wage 12 hours a week or less and in college, more selective.

And yes, you and Mendoza bust the shit out of my balls too frequently :fu:

you are like a down syndrome little brother I never had. I have to bust on you.