Here's Another Metal Game...


No it's not another fuckin' metal game! It's the oldschool bitch thread.
For me what makes it's very "difficult" to sit through the Gen. Forum with every tom, dick & harry posting a new "metal game." What the fuck is that?!
What gets me is all these people that keep the damn thread "alive" by posting over & over on it. So what pisses you off?! I have more, but this is the one that got to me right now!
Ya know I always have plenty to bitch about but Goddammit I cant think of a single mother fucking thing to Bitch,Piss And moan about so goddammit I'm gonna come up with fucking something :loco:
ok ok ok I got it Top 10 lists theres way to many top 10 lists :p ofcourse I'v made plenty but its like its the same thing everytime Why not a top 6 or top 21 :) why not shake the place up a bit And umm Now playing threads are kinda ummm bleh I mean you have the option to post what your listening to every time :p anyways this is more of a joke post just to amuse myself with
I'm gonna put my balls on the table again (I know y'all are gonna smash 'em!) but here's my bitch.....................................
Why do I feel ashamed for liking "mainstream" metal?!?!?! I know this is an underground page and yadda yadda yadda but it's also the coolest message board I've seen and I feel like an old fart when I say I like MOTLEY CRUE when the cool kids are all listening to Dimmu Borgir and the like....I'm just being a bitch because I feel like a damn puss in here.
Why can't I like Slayer AND Diamond David Lee Roth?

and by the way,
yeeee haw
tedvanfrehley said:
Why can't I like Slayer AND Diamond David Lee Roth?
Who said you can't? I like em all - Diamond Dave and Slayer, Mötley Crüe and Dimmu Borgir, Bon Jovi and Marduk, Kiss and Darkthrone... So what the fuck? Anyway, I'd still love to smash your balls, hahaha! :loco:
tedvanfrehley said:
Why do I feel ashamed for liking "mainstream" metal?!?!?! I know this is an underground page and yadda yadda yadda but it's also the coolest message board I've seen and I feel like an old fart when I say I like MOTLEY CRUE when the cool kids are all listening to Dimmu Borgir and the like....I'm just being a bitch because I feel like a damn puss in here.
Why can't I like Slayer AND Diamond David Lee Roth?

I've only been here for a short time but I've not seen much ball busting so far, which is why I like it here so much. Everyone on this board seems to be open minded and into allot of different types of musc... which is very cool. You should not be ashamed of any music you like, who really cares what other people think. I don't like death or black metal, just not my bag, but who am I to make someone feel ashamed of listening to it? I may at times give someone a little hard time about their tastes in music but that's all in fun.
i'm up there with greeno on this,i like this forum because there's no flaming of new people and everyones opinion is respected.i'm a bit of a technophobe-hell its taken me 5 mins to write this out!and i only tried going on metal websites a few months ago.the first one was called blistering metal.i posted,and all i got was abused by people on there who were obviously real regulars on the site,they had all posted thousands of times.i felt really disheartened.i decided to give it one last go and came here to um,and basically the old school guys have been way cool to me in the fact that i have been accepted and spoken to,rather than flamed and abused or ignored.
i'm not trying to sound sucky or anything,but i really appreciate be honest,if this one had gone south too i would never have posted on another site again
so to that end my bitch today is about tosspots who think they own sites and just flame new people for no good reason.i'm glad to say it doesnt apply to anyone here.
ted,i thought the idea of us posting on the oldschool part of the site was because we liked that kind of mainstream metal,as well as old rock stuff and maybe some newer shit.i heard one of those dimmu borgir tracks the other day-its very involved isnt it?dunno, sometimes things just sound better simpler.rambling?talking bollocks?me?oops.
yeah I gotta say Baldy and Greeno, everyone in the oldschool forum is pretty cool. I'm just saying that I feel like a weakass with my motley cd's jamming while some of you guys are banging your heads to some 1000mph double bass stuff...I've tried it and I can't keep up! I've never really been flamed for it, I'm just bitching since that's what Swine's post bitch....I guess I'm just bitching that sometimes, sniff sniff, I just....gurgle gurgle,...phhttttpt...well, sometimes I just feel so alone....waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

nothin wrong with the crue ted,liked em when they were around,great attitude n all.listened to slayer at the same time-didnt seem to make too much difference then,metal was metal and not so many of us liked it.its a bit more odd now because of the amount of kids listening to it-i like that its become more mainstream in some respects,but in other ways its not so good.its only my opinion,but some of the newer bands dont quite cut it up like the old ones did.maybe its just me being a grumpy old git though.
The Point? That this forum much different than the other. I like to read most posts on this forum. I just had something to piss & moan about. Jonny D brought up a good point. These top ten lists are getting out of control. This is like a "no flaming zone" or something there's very little of it. I think that's cool.
We do flame from time to time if there is somebody out to be an asshole,dog raping,cock sucker we will basiclly team up on em and eliminate them :) as for new ppl just cause they are new doesnt mean they dont have a valid point we were all new here at one point I remember when this forum barely exsisted you had like 2 or 3 threads a day and only a few regulars its starting to grow into one hell of a cool forum and we can discuss whatever the fuck we want ...... Hell aint a Bad place to be :)
tedvanfrehley said:
yeah I gotta say Baldy and Greeno, everyone in the oldschool forum is pretty cool. I'm just saying that I feel like a weakass with my motley cd's jamming while some of you guys are banging your heads to some 1000mph double bass stuff...I've tried it and I can't keep up! I've never really been flamed for it, I'm just bitching since that's what Swine's post bitch....I guess I'm just bitching that sometimes, sniff sniff, I just....gurgle gurgle,...phhttttpt...well, sometimes I just feel so alone....waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh


lol Dont feel like a weakass for likeing the crue man they rock and dammit your TEDVANFUKINFREHLEY :headbang:
tedvanfrehley said:
and by the way,


Hahaha.. The first NWA is the only rap album I've ever owned. That disc kicks major ass..... some hardcore M F'ers right there!
what was that metal band ice t started up?cant remember thier name,but they were baaaaad.i heard the first album,and all i can remember is one line on says"beatmaster b,take this motherfucker back to south central"to which the drummer does some really dodgy drum fill.white men can't dance,ice t can't do metal!he should stick to rap-he's bloody good at that,probably my fave,or being on law and order svu,he's good at that more metal please "t",promise us.