Here's another mix for ya!

yeah I thought they rhythm tone was maybe a *tiny* bit worse than your last one (too muddy) but I just didn't dig the song as much as the others.

I thought the lead tone was fine other than maybe a bening a bit to mid-based,

the main thing though is tuning!!

the rhythm guitars tuning is not to bad but the lead guitar sounds way out, which I think is due to your vibrato as much as anything, It's just the vibrato sounds a bit amateur.

*you kick my ass from a great height in mixing and playing but this is how I'm hearing it so no offence*


jamesboyd said:
yeah I thought they rhythm tone was maybe a *tiny* bit worse than your last one (too muddy) but I just didn't dig the song as much as the others.

I thought the lead tone was fine other than maybe a bening a bit to mid-based,

the main thing though is tuning!!

the rhythm guitars tuning is not to bad but the lead guitar sounds way out, which I think is due to your vibrato as much as anything, It's just the vibrato sounds a bit amateur.

*you kick my ass from a great height in mixing and playing but this is how I'm hearing it so no offence*



Playing a standard 6 string in drop "A" tuning with 10 gauge GHS strings is no cake walk. The strings are literally hanging from the neck, and they are pretty slinky. That might explain the vibrato and the off sounding tunings. Might also explain the "mudd" of the guitar tone. I've never tuned as low as I did for this song, ever. Maybe I shouldn't until I maybe get a 7 string. At any rate, it was fun, I take no offence...although being called an ametuer after so many years of playing guitar tends to get me a little heated. No biggie though. Thanks for the input.
hey man

no I wasn't calling your playing amateur just the vibrato you know, it just sounded a bit out of tune and rushed *like* some amateur players you know.

seriously though, you've got some of the best right hand rhythm chops I've heard in a long time!!

I mean shit what was that last song you did at 250bpm? :OMG:

how long have you been playing?

oh yeah 10's won't cut it in 'A'

I've used a 60 and that was still hard to hold the tuning.


Yeah this sounds better, but it's still muffled. It's probably because of the extreme tuning, you should prolly keep away from that low A :)
And there might be something to what jamesboyd said, the last song was just better (no offence here either). The sound fit better in that song.
jamesboyd said:
hey man

no I wasn't calling your playing amateur just the vibrato you know, it just sounded a bit out of tune and rushed *like* some amateur players you know.

seriously though, you've got some of the best right hand rhythm chops I've heard in a long time!!

I mean shit what was that last song you did at 250bpm? :OMG:

how long have you been playing?

oh yeah 10's won't cut it in 'A'

I've used a 60 and that was still hard to hold the tuning.



I know what you mean about the vibrato. I still have to blame the tension of the strings though (cuz I hate to think it's because I suck, HAH!)
I did the song as just a simple jam. I didn't really push it like I do with every other song I write...just jamming. Figured somebody might dig it so I threw it up here for you guys to listen to. We're all here to learn about mixing and production so I always like to share my work and my progress. I take no offence to any constructive criticism, unless it's just (dude, you fuckin blow). So far everyone has been grat and I've picked up some great tips from you guys. I wish more people would post their work. I'm curious to hear what other people are doing.
I've only really been doing the home recording thing for about a year, but I've been playing guitar, drums, piano, bass, violin for about 12 years or so. I've done a lot of sound for live shows locally, and some band promotions. I've never been in a SERIOUS band personally. I'm just another fan of the scene. People are always wanting to group up and get a band going but I've yet to find the right musicians to compose with (probably beacause I live in Portland, Oregon). Anyone out there from the NorthWest?
Anyway, this was all useless info. But it's always nice to know more about people, especially if you share the same interests.
Man, I haven't listened yet, but, I should smack you for playing on fuckin GHS strings to begin with =P

<----- proud user of Thomastik-Infelds, and sometimes Pyramids.

I never used to think so until a few years ago when I first played a set of Thomastiks... strings _CAN_ make a difference. Check them out, they're lik $12 a set, but they'll last you a _LONG_ time. Powerbright heavy-bottom series.

I've got 10-50s on the ESP... they're amazing.