Here's my plan


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
I've been recording my own stuff at home for about 2 years now and in a couple of months im going to be recording a band (my friends one for practice)
this is my plan so far (tell me any suggestions or things i miss out)
1: better interface (profire 2626, just enough inputs for drums)
2:invest in some quality drum mics and overheads
3:get acoustic treatment then come back at a later date for advice :D
4: build an isolation booth to crank their amps (small village :( )

I was planning on doing a song for free to see how it would turn out, im expecting my first one with real drums to be TERRIBLE but i've read up alot on drums from this forum/magazines and university so hopefully not too bad.And if the recordings arent the greatest then they can have them for free but if they're good they can buy me a crate of beer or just give me a £10 or something. also this will be the first time im recording someone that isnt myself so takes the pressure off of me tracking myself.
Have i missed anything important out of the list that i need to equip myself with? or anything else that you'd just like to suggest

edit:sorry for the shit thread title
Well dude +1 on the profire.
Also since im guessing your doing all your work in one room maybe look into headphones that isolate good so you can monitor.
As far of tracking drums make sure you mic everything up nice (Look at different mic positions) and ofcoarse leave enough headroom!
also what mics do you have?
well im not gonna be using for tracking not mixing , mainly for drummers and loud peoplezzzzz

any suggestions for my first drum mic? on a budget so can't try loads i have £100
audix i5?
or any better ideas?
for now im gonna build up my mic collection for the kit
well im not gonna be using for tracking not mixing , mainly for drummers and loud peoplezzzzz

any suggestions for my first drum mic? on a budget so can't try loads i have £100
audix i5?
or any better ideas?
for now im gonna build up my mic collection for the kit

wait a little bit until you can afford to get an audix d6

then save up for a decent pair of SDCs, these are ok:

edit: getting an i5 would also be a good move though. With that, your sm57 and the 3 mics i mentioned all you'd need would be some tom mics

edit no2: the samson might work ok as a room mic. Not ideal, but it doesn't have to be for room sound.
well that matched pair of nt5 do look nice but that looks like it would take a bit longer , i might just go for the D6 and use the 57 for the snare and then slowly work my way around the rest of the kit
Vic Firth Stereo Isolation Headphones:

Dude, I'm sorry, but every time I read the last line of your first post, I can't stop reading it as "sorry for the shit I am" :lol:
well that's not the message i was trying to put across :D

edit: to notuern , are those suitable for drums would be be able to hear the track and play? and also will i have to buy a headphone amp or are those just gimmicks?
Vic Firth Stereo Isolation Headphones:


Actually the last band i tracked brought those headphones and they were killer! Isolates VERY good... although there kinda bass lacking They do the job very GOOD. Get them!
its on the list

so here is the list so far
profire 2626 ]
audix d6 ] both of these to be bought with my bursary (£500)
audix i5 - i can buy this now, so i'll probably order it sometime in the next week
sE reflexion filter - not desperate for this so this is the less prioritised one
vic firth isolation - be buying these soon in the next 2-3weeks
and a pair of rode nt5s suggested by skeksis, probably be bought in a month or two

and possibly some acoustic tiles but im gonna need to read up on that first
any things to be added to the list?
The Vic Firths are great headphones if you have to same room track. I bought two pairs so the drummer gets some too. It makes playing to the pre-prod so much less of a headache.
will the vic firths protect my ears when the drummer is tracking? or is wise just to click record,leave the room , let him have as many takes as he wants and come back in whenever?
they're my friends band so neither i or thy have to worry about time
Well i was planning on knocking on my window so he could see me to know to stop, either that or he stops when he thinks he's done a good take , but some earplugs or a second pair of those headphones are a better idea