Fuck, my Pod just broke :(

Line 6 Add-On packs piss me off... I got a TonePort UX1 to use at my house, and then using the PodXT (as a dongle for PodFarm) at the studio. It won't use my Metal Shop or FX Junkie Add-Ons on my TonePort, only the Pod!

And Line 6's warranty is as bad a Pod tone w/ no processing.
use pod farm for now, get the profire, use nick crow and lepou and ABG etc, eventually get real amp
In order to get all the amps with the ILOK....you gotta pay the $299 for the plat pod farm.

They should release the packs for the ilok too.....They would probably make more cash that way.....cause im not spending $300 for that plugin.

I would however spend $50 for the Metal shop upgrade.