
Seraph (plural seraphim) is from a multitude of sources; most notable the Tanakh and New Testament. In the Tanakh, the seraphim are mentioned only once, and they have six wings - there is no definition of a human-like form (like that of the typical angelarchies developed later). In the New Testament, the are clearly mentioned in Revelation (fucking apocrypha), and chant the Trisagion endlessly. It was only later with Augustine (and prior Dionysus Areopagite...) that the angels started getting more into their roles as 'the top angels' that ceaselessly work for the divine.

Belial...hehehahahaha...by the gods I love the the concept of Belial (more so than that of Gêhinnôm, refuse of waste and sacrifice's to Ba'al Molekh :kickass:). There is so much to the concept/figure that it would be best just to research it yourself.
--of course, in technicality, all this is based off interpreted information from various sources (all which can't agree about a damned thing, like everything else in the world).

It also turns out there is an Order of the Seraphim for the Swedish Royal court: clicky click
That is one sexy medal...

Belial is i think a fallen angel or something (or the angel of lust and..confusion?). I do know that the third of the four books of the satanic bible is named after him. (The book of belial)
so I found out that my lastname (Neposchlan) was changed from (not sure how to spell it, neither is my dad) "Nipla shon" and its Austrian.

anybody have any clues on how it would be spelled?
Hmm... Doesn't look German, so that leaves Hungarian and Slovakian. And I totally suck at Slavic languages. Perhaps you should just wait for someone who speaks more then one language to come along. ;)
I am Heathen. I am Thule of Hildulf Kindred here in Southern Vinland. I am also a member and founder of Wolfskins which is a group for the defense of Heathens in our area. I am of Swedish descent on my mothers side and Scots-Irish on my Fathers. I believe that most North europeans and thier descendents have a right to Heathenism. It is a part of our Folksoul. It is in our Blood. Now as to the DNA testing there are companies that can trace it for much cheaper than first stated. DNA ancestry project can trace your mother and Fathers side for about $263 for a 22 marker test or about $80 more for the 44 marker test. It helps take the conjecture out of ancestry.