yeah, they successfully and permanently killed off my absolute favorite character:
D.L. before they successfully and permanently killed off my
least favorite character:
Nikki. Now poor Micah is an orphan because him Mom was a schizo. Micah is also a favorite character as far as abilities go - technopathy. His cousin has some cool abilities as well; looks like a nice combination of character styles with those two.
More of my favorite characters (heroes) include Claire, Peter, Matt, Hiro, and of course Bennett. I'm warming up to Elle now that she realizes she can be accepted for good things as well as bad. I had a feeling she might come around.
I thought Adam did a great job as the main antagonist this partial season. I thought they could have saved Sylar for a return
later - like in comics.
Least favorite characters from this season include Maya, and -now dead- her brother. I think her 'powers' are extremely over-done.
I cry and people die. well, boo-hoo. :Smug: And her brother's 'power' wasn't even a power - he just calmed her down. geez. Who writes this stuff? Oh, I forgot,
no one is writing this stuff currently. heh.
oh well, I'm now just looking forward to whatever the writers were able to get done for LOST this coming February.