Hetfields trophies for sale


Mar 8, 2003
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Just saw this on the Metallica website:

James is selling some of his animal trophies that he has obtained over the years on ebay. All of these items have been "harvested" by James himself, and at one time hung up in the living room (renamed the "Dead Room" by his wife) of his house. Each item comes with a certificate of authenticity signed by James Hetfield. Proceeds from the sale of these items will be donated to MAP (Musicians' Assistance Program) and the VH1 Save The Music Foundation.

Click here for all the auction listings. Bidding ends Aug 3rd at 6pm Pacific time!

He'd beter shoot fucking Lars and and sell his balding scalp to those who're interested... Can you imagine the nerve on these fuckers?.. He's a goddamn millionaire, but he still needs to shoot innocent animals just to sell them on the fucking ebay...
fuck metallishit....perhaps someone should shoot them and put their corpses up on ebay....now....id pay to see that (of course....with the exception of robert....hes one cool mofo)
No, no , no , no , no.. No one should be shoot, what the fuck is wrong with you people... Lars should be burned alive in a fire of his own cd's ( black album up) and james should just be clubed like a baby seal.
He'd beter shoot fucking Lars and and sell his balding scalp to those who're interested... Can you imagine the nerve on these fuckers?.. He's a goddamn millionaire, but he still needs to shoot innocent animals just to sell them on the fucking ebay...

Scalping Lars?

Now that's a good idea!
I'd say they were something he was planning on getting rid of and instead of just pitching them he decided to sell them and donate the $ to a good cause. Nothing wrong with that IMO.
hey i just read james gave all his worldly posessions and money to charity and , became a monk !!!

typical reply : oh that rat bastard he probley didn't own anything good, blah blah blah. fuck metallica, and lars that cock sucker (even though he has nothing to do with this story) lets kill that little dickhead. wah wah wah . i hate metallica they suck.
They died to me w/ the "black" album, or self titled shite suck fest.

Metallica is Kill'em All - ...and Justice For All.

after that they have maybe 2 good songs.

I respect how they were pioneers to the cause , I don't respect their selling out. They realized they couldn'y play this music all of their lives, so they toned it down, got all emotional and SOLD OUT.

Maybe they SELL OUT concert halls now, but it's a fitting feat. Sell out to get sold out on the sign.

A$$monkeys...I wouldn'y buy James Hetfield's ANYTHING off of e-bay. Of course, I like the under dog and think Megadeth is better anyways...

It's all about respect, Metallica lost mine 14 years ago. Like I say, I wouldn't mind seeing them live, but they seem like hypocrits and has beens to me now.

St. Anger....FIND me a guitar solo on that CD!!!!
I really want to say something about this Shit ......
But Since i have been Clean for 6 years 7 months i think it's a Crock of shit.....
Rockstars .... please Ask ODB.......
I respect James enough(because of his soberity) to bid on a guitar or something but not a pigs head--it would scare the hell out of my kid. Now, Lars head stuffed--I'd buy that
DeathsHead said:
I respect James enough(because of his soberity) to bid on a guitar or something but not a pigs head--it would scare the hell out of my kid. Now, Lars head stuffed--I'd buy that
:OMG: Your kid'd be scared shitless. It'd be worse than having Freddy Kruger coming down to your house every night. Can you imagine Lars's head on the wall with his usual tongue sticking out?
I respect James enough(because of his soberity) to bid on a guitar or something but not a pigs head--it would scare the hell out of my kid. Now, Lars head stuffed--I'd buy that
it would take a lot of material to stuff that fat head. i think james is alright
so he likes hunting big deal. maybe he eats or shares the meat from what he kills. how would anyone here know?
Mickenglanduk said:
Just saw this on the Metallica website:

James is selling some of his animal trophies that he has obtained over the years on ebay. All of these items have been "harvested" by James himself, and at one time hung up in the living room (renamed the "Dead Room" by his wife) of his house. Each item comes with a certificate of authenticity signed by James Hetfield. Proceeds from the sale of these items will be donated to MAP (Musicians' Assistance Program) and the VH1 Save The Music Foundation.

Click here for all the auction listings. Bidding ends Aug 3rd at 6pm Pacific time!


I am glad he is doing something for a good cause since the government has been wanting to cut music programs out of education systems.