Hex Cura - Great Prog.Metal from Germany


New Metal Member
May 1, 2004
Hi everybody,
checkt out Hex Cura's new Song "e see you an havvy me", available on www.hexcura.de.vu
i think it's great metal with a kind of mixture of other stuff such as folk, trash and just some cool beats. hard to explain but worth listening to it. there's just one thing sucking lots: as it's obvoiusly german underground, all the topcis on there official page are in german as well, so it's quiet hard to understand even for those who had a good mark in german at high. nethertheless, just click on "download and get "e see you.." or his older one "helltrain". i appreciate that they just put the full mp3 on their homepage - jus fucking cool. you'll find a video (yeah, it's a fucking quality, but just about 6.5 mBs) of "e see you...", so you might get an idea of how they really look like. imo jus crazy, but, hey, that's cool , better than all this fucking mainstream stuff.
