Hey all! Who's your favorite producer?


Mar 18, 2002
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Some of my favorite producers are Terry Date (Overkill, Pantera), Mark Dodson (Anthrax, S.T.), and Jeff Waters. I can tell a good producer if I can clearly hear every instrument at a song and they're at a good level. A well produced song makes it easy to focus on one particular instrument. For example, I can focus my attention on Charlie's double bass drums and clearly hear everything he plays. Or I chould focus on Spitz's leads, and so on. It's too bad a lot of death and black metal has such shit production cause that can make all the difference in the sound and success of a band. What do you guys and gals think?
I suggest you check out any and all bands that were produced by Jim Morris, first off, he doesn't produce shitty bands, only the best, and secondly everything he does is immaculate, dare I say perfect, flawless, he is the best ever IMO. And if anyone says Bob Rock, I will kill them!
Martin Birch
Fredrik Nordstrom(I hope I spelled his first name right)
Peter Tagtgren
Dan Swano
Roy Z
Henrik Lund(Gave the first two Mercyful Fate records a clear sound that helped them become two of the best albums of all time, IMO)
BOb rock rules!!!! Just kidding AJDeath. :lol:

Hey what's so bad about Bon Rock anyway??
Hey I like Trent Reznor as a producer and a writer and a composer and a performer and as a personality and as a mixer and as my vitamins every day.
Martin Birch
Michael Barbiero (check out the stuff he did with Tesla... natural, crunchy Les Paul through Marshalls, lots of clean low end... a good live feel... and of course he engineered P.O.T)
Terry Date is more of an engineer from what I hear, even though he gets production credits on a lot of stuff
Toby Wright
Vinnie Paul... the mastermind of getting Pantera's sound to disc
Eddie Kramer... I loved the work he did with KISS on Rock and Roll Over, Love Gun, and of course Alive 1 and 2, but what the fuck was he doing on Alive 3... it sounded like a hacksaw cutting cardboard
Bob Rock... I like the sound of Dr. Feelgood, the Black Album, and yes, even Load (lots of texture), but I think he might have too much creative influence over his clients.