Favorite Non-Conventional Metal Instrument?


Pepsi Fiend
Jul 24, 2003
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What is your favorite instrument to be incorporated into metal, besides the basic guitars bass and drums? Keyboards? Flute? Mellotron?

I'm a fan of violens in metal, I think when executed right they can really add to the atmosphere of a song.
I realy like violins a lot too. My Dying Bride created some of the best metal songs ever when they implemented the violin. I'd like to hear flutes used in more metal bands, ummm yeah violin wins easily for me. PS I hope no one says keyboards sience they are used far too often to be considered un-conventional...
Metal needs more cowbell. ;)

Anyway, it probably doesn't fit in metal well, but a Hammond Organ is probably my favorite non-conventional instrument. Or a minimoog Synth. Erik Norlander uses them a lot.
I'll check out Erik, sounds cool.

I guess keys are considered a standrard metal instrument now, so throw them out.

Another thing, I forgot what they are called, but those floor drum things that are like 4 feet tall, you hit with your hand and are african....congas or something....those would be cool to incorporate into a death metal song.

Really adds to the trippy mood of a lot of songs. Bands like Type O negative, Green Carnation, and Sepultura have used them, and Dream Theater emulated one. It really works.

Hammond B-3's are another great toss-in. Those were popular in the old days of prog, and still show up nowadays. I know Down used them quite a bit.
I like saxophones (Yakuza), harmonicas (Black Sabbath) and fiddles (Skyclad).

It's hard to think of classical instruments as non-conventional in metal anymore. Not only have a lot of symph-black bands made (mis)use of them, but what about Manowar's orchestral dabblings or Metallica's "S&M"?
Keyboards sound cool sometimes, and can give extreme metal an eerie, morbid feel sometimes, like when Nile incorporates keyboards. There is also some Middle Eastern instrument that several metal bands have used occasionally, and I think it sounds really cool.
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