Hey America: Stop Naming your kids stupid shit!

Yes, eugenics were popular (and quite controversial) in the 1920's. I think people were aiming more for physical beauty and prowess in their selective breeding (and selective euthanasia) as opposed to intelligence. This was in fact trend that was popular on both sides of the Atlantic, and was a contributing fact to the rise of National Socialism in Germany.
Man people call their kids some fucked up names,I personally know of a few.It's not just a geographical phenomenon.This dude I used to work with,a total bogan,one of these dudes who thinks Metallica is the only metal band called his fucking kid Lars Hamilton.I know another dude who called his kids,Bundy(after Bundaberg Rum),Jack(Daniels) and wait for it...Bourbon.I also know of another kid who is called Lonewolf,fucking retarded Tasmanians lol.
Yes, eugenics were popular (and quite controversial) in the 1920's. I think people were aiming more for physical beauty and prowess in their selective breeding (and selective euthanasia) as opposed to intelligence. This was in fact trend that was popular on both sides of the Atlantic, and was a contributing fact to the rise of National Socialism in Germany.
One big thing they did do though was sterilize mentally handicapped people. Not necessarily breeding for intelligence, but close to it. There were also laws in the US preventing "imbeciles" from marrying. Some of these compulsory sterilizations continued until the 1960s. You're right in that they were going for physical beauty and prowess, which at the time meant racial purity.
Oh I knew that about the eugenics, I thought it was an actual social phenomenon of spiking drinks with crushed up morning after pills. My bad.

I don't see the problem with encouraging retarded people not to reproduce, but it is impossible to fairly implement a system of eugenics for normal intelligence people.
fucking retarded Tasmanians lol.

Hahaha, what is it with Tasmanians? Half the ones that I've met have had some really fucked up shit happen in their past and are completely fucked in the head because of it. Have I just been unlucky with the ones I have met or is it fairly common?

One of my mates went out with this completely psycho Tasmanian girl that ended up tearing a hole in his scrotum. They were having an argument and he said, 'Fuck this,' and went to walk away, so she reached under his legs and grabbed his balls. I get a text out of the blue from a friend saying, 'Driving him to hospital, he'll be ok, but his balls won't.' I just went wwwhhhaaatttt? He ended up needing a few stitches for it.

Actually come to think of it, her name was a slightly whacky pronunciation/spelling of a normal name too.
Every single Freya I have met has been hotness-to-the-max.

Interesting how much past associations influence ones opinion of a name (well not really that interesting, there isn't really anything else to attach to one I suppose)
Anyone have experience with black kids being named after food/flavorings? I went to a white and Asian dominated school and the only black kid I knew was named Ricky, but my youngest brother went to one with a decent amount of black people, some examples of their names being Vanilla, Peppermint, Butterscotch, and Butter.

EDIT: tbh I think Peppermint and Butterscotch were siblings, but still.