Hey America: Stop Naming your kids stupid shit!

What if I think you're dim-witted and believe that you shouldn't reproduce (although i don't!)? you are okay with it? :lol:

Well we're going off topic here

I'm pretty sure anyone that scores below the average IQ parameters of 90 - 110 points (i.e. <90) could be called verifiably stupid.

Americans are not the only ones who mame their kids.Original topic exhausted.
The thread should be renamed "The Names Thread."

Actually, if you read my leading post, I think I make it clear that Americans name their kids the "stupidest shit". However, I did foroget about the whole Swedish "Metallica" baby thing...
:lol: My uncle had a cat named Boris

Boris is about to facepalm.

You can do your part though, keep a stash of crushed up morning after pills to put in stupid pregnant bitches' drinks