Hey America: Stop Naming your kids stupid shit!

It's more like Schmoolik, Or Schmooel.He was a prophet in the Bible.

A lot of the names in Hebrew are taken from the Old Testament.
Names of prophets,sages, kings and such.

Did you know that Karen is also a Hebrew name? It means "beam" or "horn".
My grandfather wanted to call everyone and everything by a name that ended in "y" or "ie". My parents named me and my sisters so that he wouldn't be able to: Kevin, Lauren, and Michele. So the whole concept was something I was alienated from at birth. When we decided to name our Cairn Terrier Pippin, my grandfather responded by asking, "Well, what're ya gonna call 'im, Pippie?"

Because of this, I'll typically disregard nick names ending in "y" or "ie". This actually got me in a fight once because the guy didn't like being called Reginald. I'd rather say James than Jimmy, Vincent than Vinnie, Viktor than Vik, Zacharius or Zachariah rather than Zach. The exception is Jerry, because I don't like the name Gerald.
Shmuly and Michelle Chandler-Lieberman are my favorite Hasidic couple. They are both hot and play guitar.

The only person in the world I hate is named Kalil Hilali. He's such a dick, meshing together seamlessly three aspects of humans I hate

1.) misogynist sex offender-type attitude
2.) disrespectful smoker
3.) ungrateful guest with spoiled-Arab-prince syndrome
This thread is eh sweaty mexicans :lol:

someone said it was s good idea to nake their kid

Le-a' my bitch yo... :zombie:
My grandfather wanted to call everyone and everything by a name that ended in "y" or "ie". My parents named me and my sisters so that he wouldn't be able to: Kevin, Lauren, and Michele. So the whole concept was something I was alienated from at birth. When we decided to name our Cairn Terrier Pippin, my grandfather responded by asking, "Well, what're ya gonna call 'im, Pippie?"

Because of this, I'll typically disregard nick names ending in "y" or "ie". This actually got me in a fight once because the guy didn't like being called Reginald. I'd rather say James than Jimmy, Vincent than Vinnie, Viktor than Vik, Zacharius or Zachariah rather than Zach. The exception is Jerry, because I don't like the name Gerald.

So you would insist on calling me Jeremiah even though it says Jeremy on my birth certificate? Fuck you.

Also, another name thing that pisses me off is that my last name is Frederick. Just Frederick. Not Frederickson, not Fredericks, not Friedrich, or anything else gay like that. Alas, these cro-magnon half-wits I deal with on a day-to-day basis can't wrap their head around this one.
BTW, now that I've given you my full name, my social security number is 555-55-5555.
This one is Moroccan, boy if I could pay Royal Air Maroc to put him on a plane damned to crash I would do it.

I hate to hijack the thread but I cannot stress how much of a walking anus this guy is. He is a semi-functional alcoholic who in party situations just sits there chain smoking trying to hit on all the females. He hates everyone and everything and unfortunately for her is married to a Japanese woman. That alone isn't enough to put someone on my blacklist, but Kalil brings it to new levels. Once I let him crash at my house with 4 of my friends because he missed last train. I live alone and have enough bedding for about 3 people, and he started bitching about how "I can't believe you don't have enough blankets for everyone, I'm not fucking sharing a blanket with another guy, you're not a good hostess." Then I woke up in the middle of the night to the smell of thick cigarette smoke inside my house (I have a "go outside if you smoke" rule). Said "please don't smoke inside, go on the balcony and close the door" and fucking asshole started yelling "I am inside, why are you being such a bitch?" Told him to go the fuck further outside, go back to sleep, everybody leaves in the morning, and I found he had stolen a pair of my socks.

That's not the best/worst of it though. A couple weeks later (exactly a year ago from today in fact!) there was the big town festival and I was there with my friends and bf. Kalil appeared out of nowhere and started making really nasty comments about my looks IN FRONT OF MY BF, like "oh you look so hot like I could unwrap you" etc. I told him to fuck off. Fast forward a couple hours and we are all gathered at my friend's restaurant having drinks. Kalil showed up (I forgot to mention he was friends with one of my friends) and sat at the designated non-smoking table and started smoking. I said "Can you sit over there where the other smokers are?" and he just said "WHAT, everyone is fine." A girl piped in, "I don't like smoking, please sit over there." Fucker keeps insisting it's a non-issue so finally I blew my lid and flipped out. This is the only time in my life I have actually screamed at someone and meant it, and it went something along the lines of "YOU ARE SUCH A SPOILED CUNT I FUCKING HATE YOU AND SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE HERE, YOU MISERABLE CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT FUCKING CUNT WASTE OF DNA I HOPE WHEN YOU GET DEPORTED YOUR PLANE BACK TO MOROCCO CRASHES." Naturally being the Arab manbabypig he is, he just laughed at me. But boy it felt good to flip out. After that incident, he went to a corner and tried to hit on my friend and get her to come with him back to his town to "go to a party" there. Said "don't bring any of them *gesturing at the rest of us*" and she obviously declined.

I saw him once after that. He greeted me, and I said "Do you hear something?" and walked away.

Sorry, back to the regularly scheduled program.
I pretty much hate Arabic names like Ali, Mohammad, Mahmmoud, Ahmad. These mentioned names are pretty much common in the Arab World.