Hey America: Stop Naming your kids stupid shit!

I suppose I misread what you said then. I thought you were talking about the names I was talking about.

What I don't understand now is you just said you don't like and avoid people with "boring white man names", and then go on to state that the majority of people you've dated and/or been involved with bear these names.

How is that possible exactly?
I suppose I misread what you said then. I thought you were talking about the names I was talking about.

What I don't understand now is you just said you don't like and avoid people with "boring white man names", and then go on to state that the majority of people you've dated and/or been involved with bear these names.

How is that possible exactly?

Because she realizes that when she does meet a boringly named white man, she'll be overcome with uncontrollable and unwanted lust. Every "Hello, what's your name?" answered with "John" or "Steve" is like an auditory date rape drug.
I suppose "avoid" was a bit strong. I don't really care what people's names are, but I associate the names you dislike with $$$ and education.

HAHA HamburgerBoy, if I did that I'd have thousands of children by now. My current squeeze is named Walter but he has a cool last name.

My friend, god bless her, spells my name "Rolla." She's a 50 year old English teacher...
That's interesting because the Chad I know comitted suicide. Cody is a college dropout and a fat stoner now. Alex quit high school two weeks before graduation and is now in jail for selling drugs. And Evan, well I don't know about him, but I just didn't like him.

About those names...
The Chad I know is a computer programmer with a B.A. who makes about $80k a year and is still in his twenties. I know a Jewish Evan who has a trust fund and is studying economics and German at Vassar. Cody is still at Vassar and is majoring in Biochemistry and is the lead singer of a black metal band. Alex is the Prefectural Advisor in my prefecture, graduated from Harvard and is extremely intelligent - and Jewish.

I know a Rick who was an obese juggalo whose laugh sounded like Patrick Star, Roger is a white Panera Bread cashier who gave me his phone number and said "holler at me sometime," the David I knew growing up didn't celebrate Halloween because of his strict religious views, and my cousin Mike is basically a hikikkomori shut-in computer geek who at the age of 24 is still pushed around by his mother and has never had a job.

See what I did there?
I don't have a problem with unique names, just trendy lame-ass names. Madison really gets me, for example. So many girls have been named Madison when it is a) a surname and b) it has "son" at the end, which would mean that the name is defined as "son of Madi". My best friend named his daugher Asha and his son Cerick, and I have no problem with those. Unique, but not laughable.

Which is why my niece is named Madisen* 8)

Guys named Ashley, or any other female name, is fucking stupid. I wish I knew the parents of the guys named Ashley because I think they need punched in the face. Why would you name your boy with a girl's name knowing that he's going to be given shit for it when he's younger? What makes it even more disturbing is the fact that my girlfriend's name is Ashley, which completely suits her. You can't go wrong with Rick (or Richard technically in my case).

A woman was very upset because people kept mispronouncing her daughter's name at school. Her daughter's name was spelled: "Le-a." Naturally, most people pronounced the name "Leah." This upset the girl's mother. When asked how the name should be pronounced, the mother replied: "Ledasha." When asked by others why this was the proper pronunciation, the mother said:

"De dash don't be silent!"
A woman was very upset because people kept mispronouncing her daughter's name at school. Her daughter's name was spelled: "Le-a." Naturally, most people pronounced the name "Leah." This upset the girl's mother. When asked how the name should be pronounced, the mother replied: "Ledasha." When asked by others why this was the proper pronunciation, the mother said:

"De dash don't be silent!"

I remember reading about that :lol:

Anyways I think the ghetto-ish black names are fucking stupid, there were a crapload of them at my old high school. The yuppie-ish names also sound pretty bad.
I am fine with any name I can pronounce and don't have to studder on. I really hate the ghetto names, I never can pronounce them right.
My favorite names for boys are Kevin, Brandon, Grayson, Kerry, Dax, Lee, Liam, and Grant. Now my favorite for girls are Aubree, Allison, Madison, and Anna. I don't have as many liked girl names than I do boys names. I just have a feeling when I have kids, my first will be a boy.
Oh and my friend, her and her boyfriend are having a kid and they are naming it Lake Rayne. I kind of really hate it and find it stupid.
A teacher of mine used to teach in Detroit. She said that one student's name was Asshole and that her mother insisted that it was pronounced AH-SO-LE. :erk: Why people let fucking Listerine Jackson have and name children beats the hell out of me.
some woman named her kid Megatron only if her husband could get 1 million fans on a facebook page...not sure if she actually did it, but can you fucking imagine lol...