Hey American Homophobes

This girl I met last night... friend of a friend... kept using the word "my pals" with a ridiculous frequency... finally I said: "alright stop with this 'my pals' nonsense... the fuck's that all about?" and she kept telling me she's not a racist... so I remind her she sure fucking sounds like one... then we got into this NY vs TX thing, cuz my being a NYer... she said NYers say it more... and I laughed... and thought about it.. and was like.. if you mean in rap music where they're like "my nigga"... that's not how you're using it...

Then the gay thing came up and Obama and blah blah blah...

I seriously cant understand why people give a shit about what gays do. It's so archaic and ridiculous... I cant even describe how stupid it is to give a shit what other people choose to do that has absolutely no effect on you.

I hate TX.

No offense, but I would love to see that girl dropped off on 125st in Harlem or the South Bronx and carry on speech like that :lol:

I'm a pretty raunchy person, I frequently use the word 'shit' in subsitute of 'thing', and my handle is "TesticleMilkshake," but in using the N-word in common-day speak is just a sign of being classless. Regardless if your black, white, Latino, etc. I'm definitely no judge of manners or class, but that is not a word you use in mixed company.
J the TyranT said:
I seriously cant understand why people give a shit about what gays do. It's so archaic and ridiculous... I cant even describe how stupid it is to give a shit what other people choose to do that has absolutely no effect on you.

This is all there is to it. Don't like gays? DON'T FUCKING MARRY ONE, PROBLEM SOLVED. I find it astonishing that nowadays in the fucking year 2012 so many people can't grasp the concept that freedom isn't freedom if it doesn't apply to everyone.
What I don't understand about the religious claim to marriage is that by tradition it was a business transaction of chattel property, and had absolutely nothing to do with love or affection. Once again, they've hijacked something and totally fucked it up. :lol:

brave decision during these times imho-and a big fucking plus one on everything Jeff said ;)

-just saw this and I had to post it in this thread!

Double lolz!!

Should be legal in every country that has electricity.

Why denying them the joy of having to split all your stuff and pay a lawyer because you have to get divorced, instead of packing your shit and just leave ;)
Makes me feel ashamed of my country to see people even arguing about the issue. why.the.fuck.not?
What are you even talking about? Religion in no way shape or form created or has a patent on marriage; the two aren't symbiotic at all.
If Christians want to own the definition of marriage I say take it. There should be zero correlation with anyone's standing with any god or church and how they file their taxes or apply for benefits or whether the government will honor a contract between them.
It's strange that on here, everyone's unanimously in favor of allowing it - the RATIONAL choice as far as I'm concerned - but if you look the comments under the yahoo news articles and stuff like that, a pretty big majority is religious zealot fucks who I didn't know even used the internet. And every other comment basically comes down to "FUCKIN' OBAMA." I really wonder if people are paid to post certain types of things in there.
The thing I don't understand is that these are the same people who want the government to stay out of everything-- "deregulate industry, deregulate firearms, deregulate heathcare....but don't let those two dudes adopt because that's against god." Hilariously they are all going to vote for the first non-christian president with no sense of irony whatsoever.
I think many people in this thread are just hypocrites. You separate christians like they were some own race and that makes you no different than those who don't like gays or use the word "my pals" or "jew".
I think many people in this thread are just hypocrites. You separate christians like they were some own race and that makes you no different than those who don't like gays or use the word "my pals" or "jew".

Agreed. To use the word Christian as part of a sweeping judgement is prejudiced and unhelpful.

To generally refer to Christians as stupid throwbacks is no different to saying all Muslims hate the west, Jew's are all stingey bankers and lawyers, black people are all criminals etc...
The way I see it, Christians actually have a written set of "rules" to go by so the definition and genralisation is much easier than when referring to actual race groups, because chances are the only thing they have in common is skin color, while "Christians" is actually a group (or cult or whatever you call it) of people who choose to be part of it. Yes, there are subdivisions, but when referring to the gay thing which is the subject being treated right now, the bible is pretty clear about it, so whoever labels himself Christian and actually supports gay marriage (not that I've met any, but I'm sure there are) is a totally different discussion which I wouldn't want to derail into.

I think when Egan mentioned the difference in Demographics, it is kind of a statistical fact. He didn't say all of them were, but it wasn't an ignorant generalisation claim.

And the whole "it makes you as bad as the other group" argument really tires me cause people use it as a defense towards their kind, but guess what, that doesn't make the other side any better either. That's like admitting "well yeah we are full of shit, but so are you!", or in other words "yeah dad my grades are terrible, but so are Peter's and Mikey's!"
So there you go folks. Discussing the inherent scripture-based bigotry of a religious group makes you an even worse bigot equal to the jew and n#^*er haters.
Yes, the bible is clear about it. But that's not how many christians live. They don't obsess over the old testament and follow every ridiculous rule it puts forward.

Although the degree of cherry picking that they are performing might be a problem to some more rational minded observers (including me), that's no defence for predetermining their viewpoints and attitudes on a specific topic based solely on their religion.

A different example: Roman Catholic doctrine has in the past (and still now, but a little less so) stated that using any form of contraception is a sin. That doesn't mean that every catholic believes it, and definitely doesn't justify sweeping statements about catholics the world over.
Yes, the bible is clear about it. But that's not how many christians live. They don't obsess over the old testament and follow every ridiculous rule it puts forward.

Although the degree of cherry picking that they are performing might be a problem to some more rational minded observers (including me), that's no defence for predetermining their viewpoints and attitudes on a specific topic based solely on their religion.

A different example: Roman Catholic doctrine has in the past (and still now, but a little less so) stated that using any form of contraception is a sin. That doesn't mean that every catholic believes it, and definitely doesn't justify sweeping statements about catholics the world over.

Yes, that's what I meant, but as I said that would be a whole new discussion for a different thread, about how so many people decide to take whatever morals they actually feel like taking while leaving the ones they don't like and so coincidentally it happens to be exactly what God really meant and he's totally cool with that. And so many people have so many different "cherry-picked" values and all are convinced that for no apparent reason besides simply coinciding with his own chosen morals, that is the right way and all the others are doing it wrong. Again, I'd rather not go into it now, too lazy to have a discussion on a sunny Friday. I'd rather focus on gay marriage.

And since apparently everyone here is rational and there's no real discussion taking place so far, I figure it's time to post this:

Agreed. To use the word Christian as part of a sweeping judgement is prejudiced and unhelpful.

To generally refer to Christians as stupid throwbacks is no different to saying all Muslims hate the west, Jew's are all stingey bankers and lawyers, black people are all criminals etc...

I'm not sure whether this refers to me or not but the only additional qualifiers I could add would be "conservative" or "North Carolinian" but to pretend it doesn't represent a greater trend is silly. We aren't talking about generalizing based on ten terrorists-- this was over a million overwhelmingly christian registered voters. Being here I can tell you that this amendment was drawn up by conservative christian legislators and a fervor was drummed up in the churches (obviously a more effective fervor than HRC managed).
That said, I live one block from a university with a divinity school so I certainly know personally some liberal christians who are against this but they are obviously a minority among christians in this state.
These are factual observations, not bigoted assumptions.
If liberal christians don't want the fundamentalists, snake handlers and mega churches to represent them publicly then they need to get out there and get loud.
I'm not sure whether this refers to me or not but the only additional qualifiers I could add would be "conservative" or "North Carolinian" but to pretend it doesn't represent a greater trend is silly. We aren't talking about generalizing based on ten terrorists-- this was over a million overwhelmingly christian registered voters. Being here I can tell you that this amendment was drawn up by conservative christian legislators and a fervor was drummed up in the churches (obviously a more effective fervor than HRC managed).
That said, I live one block from a university with a divinity school so I certainly know personally some liberal christians who are against this but they are obviously a minority among christians in this state.
These are factual observations, not bigoted assumptions.

It might seem silly, but it pays to be careful not to implicate those not responsible.

If liberal christians don't want the fundamentalists, snake handlers and mega churches to represent them publicly then they need to get out there and get loud.
YES! I 100% agree with this. The moderate christian population (i was gonna write majority, but then in remembered we're talking about the US :p) need to get much much louder in denouncing their extreme counterparts
Honestly, I find "liberal Christians" much more baseless than conservatives. Conservatives have a book from which they get their "information" (as illogical as that book may be), liberals simply decided by their own totally sourceless judgement that god is actually good and all the bad things in the bible are to be ignored. Based on what? On their desperate need for that to be true and absolutely nothing else, that's what. And they live life so sure that they're going to heaven and that god is A-OK with everything they do and fight for. Makes sense.
I'm not sure whether this refers to me or not but the only additional qualifiers I could add would be "conservative" or "North Carolinian" but to pretend it doesn't represent a greater trend is silly. We aren't talking about generalizing based on ten terrorists-- this was over a million overwhelmingly christian registered voters. Being here I can tell you that this amendment was drawn up by conservative christian legislators and a fervor was drummed up in the churches (obviously a more effective fervor than HRC managed).
That said, I live one block from a university with a divinity school so I certainly know personally some liberal christians who are against this but they are obviously a minority among christians in this state.
These are factual observations, not bigoted assumptions.
If liberal christians don't want the fundamentalists, snake handlers and mega churches to represent them publicly then they need to get out there and get loud.

You realise there is about 2.2 billion Christians in the world? That's a third of the world's population. One million is less than 0.05% of that. You should also know that there are a lot of different groups all calling themselves Christians with different beliefs while they might have nothing in common. I don't know what group are you talking about since obviously you think they are all the same. I'm willing to bet most Christians don't even go to church other than weddings and funerals. Yes, you are generalizing. Btw. did you know Tom Araya from Slayer is Catholic? :rock: