Hey Baldy !!!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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The last thing I want to do is turn your band into the next Air Supply, but I found your disc and stuck it in again. Very good stuff, less the few perks about the low tuning and low vocals..... but that ballad just absolutely ripped. If you ever make a CD with a bunch of those on that, I will peronally fly to Zimbabwe and kick your ass....... that is where ya'll are from right ? (j/k Americans are known to be bad with Geonagrophamy)
Anyway..... in all seriousness, make two power ballas on your next one. Symphony X is a fairly hard driving, but prog/neo-classical band. They are fairly famous for their style in fact: However, their harder driving stuff sounds really good, but their power ballads sound incredible and for some reason that seems true to your band as well. They need to put two power ballads on their discs just like Panic Cell needs to as well. If any of the musicians in your band disagree, please ask them to either e-mail me, or send me a PM here.
Don't take that the wrong way... I am not a member of your band (obviously) or someone in the music business (I hate the music"business") but just a fan of your band and can give my reasons why that would be a smart move outside of "radio play."

cheerz bryant.if it makes you any happier,we were very pleased with how thousand words turned out,so much so that its gonna be the next video to be shot(save me has just been finished),in june sometime.i'll let you know when its done,and send you a copy so you can have it on dvd too,complete with our ugly mugs!
i agree with you about the song,it is good.its also quite funny that you like it after also mentioning the downtuning and low vocals,because the boys actually have to tune one tone higher for that song,and i sing it one tone higher obviously.(sorry to bore anyone else with techspeak,but this is bryants thread!!)
maybe thats one of the reasons your are keen on it too.also,the solo in it was probably the most thought about out of any on the album-with both kelly and harj playing half each,where as many of the other solos were ad libbed in the studio,to a degree.
radio play wise,it probably is the song to pick off the album for more acceptance.thats not why we're doing it as the next vid though,although it would be nice to get a bit more recognition!
btw bryant,when and if you speak to your friend glenn from the progpower festival,i've heard they are doing a european one too-if he needs a band to play,tell him we're in!
jonnyd-you've gotta be kidding with poison-do i look like brett fkin micheals!
wicked child,any likening to iced earth is more than welcome,they fuckin rock!
baldyboy said:
jonnyd-you've gotta be kidding with poison-do i look like brett fkin micheals!

yeah ya know with less hair! :loco: ...... Ofcourse I'm fucking kidding dude hahahahaha Man I love Panic Cell if you guys did that you would be seeing ol JonnyD the pyscho Rednecked Vermonter at your door ....and I might even be drunk! hahahaa ofcourse the chances of my being Drunk are about as good as the Chances Panic Cell turns into Poison Cell :loco:
"cheerz bryant.if it makes you any happier,we were very pleased with how thousand words turned out,so much so that its gonna be the next video to be shot(save me has just been finished),in june sometime.i'll let you know when its done,and send you a copy so you can have it on dvd too,complete with our ugly mugs!"

Hmmm.... thanks that would be cool. You have good material so I hope the videos will catch on. Hopefully they will find their way into the American market as well.

"i agree with you about the song,it is good.its also quite funny that you like it after also mentioning the downtuning and low vocals,because the boys actually have to tune one tone higher for that song,and i sing it one tone higher obviously.(sorry to bore anyone else with techspeak,but this is bryants thread!!)"

I don't "hate" the downtuning, but my opinion is that it affects the stereo seperation between the two guitars. If you notice those THX type audio systems they have five different channels for mids and highs (the L&R front, L&R rear and the center channel) but they only have one sub and say you can place it about anywhere though close to center is of course ideal. The lower the tone you play at, the less stereo seperation you have. You lose that effect as well as depth perception. Luckily Kelly and Harj aren't just pounding on low notes and the production was high quality, so there isn't too much of that lost there. I have really warmed up to the tuning and I think it would sound strange to hear ya'll tuned up to Db or E. How do ya'll play "Thousand Words" live though if it tuned higher? Do you sing it lower or do K & H have more than one guitar or do they cpo or just play it higher ?

"maybe thats one of the reasons your are keen on it too.also,the solo in it was probably the most thought about out of any on the album-with both kelly and harj playing half each,where as many of the other solos were ad libbed in the studio,to a degree."

Oh yeah they also play a harmony on the solo of "Thousand Words." It sounds great !! I didn't realize many of the other solos were "thrown together" so to speak. Some of them aren't particularly "my style" but they all sound professional.

"radio play wise,it probably is the song to pick off the album for more acceptance.thats not why we're doing it as the next vid though,although it would be nice to get a bit more recognition!"

You made a quality album, but I think TW is definitely my favorite. Less the low tuning, ya'll really have a lot going for you. You have an emotic voice with great harmony singers. The twin guitar attack sounds great, the drummer is quite technical and the bass has agreat tone and ties everything together well. Not to say, there is no room for growth with you guys, but I could see a niche for your style.

"btw bryant,when and if you speak to your friend glenn from the progpower festival,i've heard they are doing a european one too-if he needs a band to play,tell him we're in!"

Unfortunately, Glenn is not involved with the European Prog-Power and I really don't even know how they are affiliated, because they aren't really even the same. Glenn balances power metal and prog metal bands (and usually a surprise band that is neither) to appease fans of both power and prog. Of course like with any music, some bands like Balance of Power (Prog Power II) could fit under either category..... Anyway, the European version seems to be the power of Prog and is more or less a prog festival with one or two "other" style bands thrown in. Living in Europe is probably much better for you anyways as there are many metal festivals.
One thing when considering PP USA in the future though is the integrity of the promoter Glenn. He is selling the place out every year (the last two sold out five months before the show) and though he could easily move to a larger venue in order to make more money, he feels like he would lose the "intimate" atmosphere of the 1150 seat venue that doesn't have a bad seat in the house. It is truly a "special" event. Without this festival, I would have to fly to Europe to see Vanden Plas, because they just aren't a large enough draw to play a tour in the US unless a giant picks them up (like Dream Theater) to tour with them. Tad Morose is playing this year. They kick ass. They are in the same boat as VP. They couldn't fly over to the states with their gear and make any money.

the american market is a must for the vids,its just getting it there-anyone on the message board an exec at mtv?didnt think so.lol.

kelly and harj fortunatly have a plethora of guitars between them-i think kelly has 3 or 4 and harj has about 9!he collects and just doesnt give them up.hes got 2 les pauls,2 or 3 esp's,a heartfield superstrat and a few others on top.all of kellys are now esp,he's totally sold on them,and rightly so,they are great guitars.
so playing thousand words is easy live,they just swap!

the harmony on thousand words does sound great,all kellys idea that one-live they play more of the solo in harmony than on the album.its very,very metal!!

thanks for the comments on the album in general-its been a pleasure to hear all of you boys comment on it,and i can say its been pretty much a blinding sucess!

you never know bryant,we may play at the fest yet.or we can hope to get a tour with a bigger american band and maybe come and play in alabama!that would be really cool.
JonnyD said:
Ya gotta admit the Poison Cell thing is funny! Just Imagine it the First album would be "Bitter part of what the cat dragged in"

Hey I can get out the Paint Shop Pro and use it on a picture of Luke. Ha ha ha I can morph Adrian Vandenberg's hair onto his head. What color eyeshadow should I put on him ? Ha ha ha

Bryant said:
Hey I can get out the Paint Shop Pro and use it on a picture of Luke. Ha ha ha I can morph Adrian Vandenberg's hair onto his head. What color eyeshadow should I put on him ? Ha ha ha


HAHAHAHA I would pay to see that! ..... either orange or purple!
Baldy, I think the band is great the way it is. I think the sound will evolve as you guys get better as musicians & the song writing team gels together. I for one think that, what you guys are doing is suposed to be against the grain & abbrasive. There is room for slower tunes, but nothing near a ballad! That's just me.
Remember this Baldy, "Those who can do, those who can't or have failed write!"
hahaha..thanks sixx.
the encouragement from you guys has been great.we're just starting out on our ride and we're gonna see how far we can go.all we really wanna do is tour,everywhere.

its funny,you say no ballads,and bryant wants us to write a whole album of them!you just cant please everyone! lol.
We all fukin love you guys Baldy lol ..... I think you could get away with a good Tender hearted Ballad as long as it was Fast and Heavy! :loco:.... hahahaha I actually dont care if ya do em either way ... Just as long as you guys keep doing what your doing cause it sounds awsome!