Hey Baldy !!!

sixxswine said:
Baldy, I think the band is great the way it is. I think the sound will evolve as you guys get better as musicians & the song writing team gels together. I for one think that, what you guys are doing is suposed to be against the grain & abbrasive. There is room for slower tunes, but nothing near a ballad! That's just me.
Remember this Baldy, "Those who can do, those who can't or have failed write!"
I'm not trying to "take their edge off" by any means, but rather they seem to excel at playing that style so it was only a suggestion.

baldyboy said:
cheerz jonnyd,nothin quite like havin your ego massaged!


I'm Listening to the album on the BIG stereo right now *drools* even with all the skips and pops and scratches the first songf sounds great but it wont play Shallow *Excuse me while I smash the stereo with a sledge hammer*

hehehe ok it played thousand words and just discovered thats a fun lil song to sing along with :grin:
to be honest boys,with the exception of some bigger ,longer solo's and a few more harmony guitar parts,i cant see the next album being radically different to the last in terms of style.we might up or down tempo a little,but not hugely.we,re pretty damn happy with the way things are sounding.
jonnyd,gonna mail you out some cd's today,as you requested about 2 months ago!
get your jewel cases ready!