Hey C.B., What exactly is All Things Renewed about?

That's a really, really, really weird song...especially when the song fades out, then back in with some old-time folky arrangement of the melody.
I'm not Chris, but I can answer the question.

The lyrics to 'All Things Renewed' are about an angel looking down on Armageddon and being powerless to do anything about it.

In regards to the 2nd post - the piano piece that comes in after the fade is actually Chris playing piano to the chorus of 'The Scarlet Letter' which is another song on the album. It's meant to be a unique piece of music to end the album on. It actually has nothing to do with 'All Things Renewed'.

I hope I'm not the only one to notice very diverse subjects in Jag Panzer's lyrics...
This comes as a real breath of fresh air in the bunch of ever predictible and boring "metal" lyrics and it's one of the reasons why I dig Jag Panzer so much!