Hey Cleveland! Here We Come!!!


Aug 5, 2002
Western PA, USA
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Only 1 week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll tell you, I'm like a kid at Christmas over this show coming next week. :grin: I don't think I've ever been so excited for a concert in my life. I guess that's because SyX is my favorite band!!! Ha ha.

Anyone else going to the Cleveland show? I can't wait to find out what the set list is!
Come on over scanner!!! I'll be there,, and I 2 cannot wait,,woohoo!:rock:
My tickets r right here in front of me, and my pics. of the guys r here beside my computer so when i am on i always have them 2 look at..heehee:grin:. and everytime i get on here the 1st thing i do is start my media player, w/(of course) symx playing!
Just counting down the days.lol