Rhapsody, June 2nd, Cleveland...

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Yes, I know almost everyone here hates this band. Feel free to fill this thread with replies that point out to me the fact that Rhapsody sings about dragons, demons, warriors, saving maidens, and yes... even unicorns on two occasions.

Anyway, I know there are a few fans here. About three by my last count.

Anyone seeing them... *looks at clock* today in Cleveland? I'm making a three-hour journey to go rock out. If anyone else is going, reply or PM me, we could hang out before or after the show or something.

Rock on.
Yeah, as cheesy as they are, I almost shit myself when I saw they were actually going to be coming to the US to tour. Then I saw they were coming nowhere near my neck of the woods...
Altought I don't care too much about the lyrics, I really like their music, atleast the first 3 albums or so, after that I think they started to repeat themselves too much. But I'm hardly flying thousands of miles to US just to see them, heh.
Progbass said:
Altought I don't care too much about the lyrics, I really like their music, atleast the first 3 albums or so, after that I think they started to repeat themselves too much. But I'm hardly flying thousands of miles to US just to see them, heh.
If you think they repeated themselves too much (which I'll admit there was a lot of repetition in that period), you might be pleasantly surprised by the latest album. They broke away from a lot of the familiar structures and similar-sounding choruses.
I am going to the June 19th show at BB King's in New York.

I think Turilli is one of the most diverse and talented composers out there in the prog metal scene. Lione 's voice is very operatic, which I like a lot. I am a fan of fantasy/medieval/celtic themes so thats another reason why I like Rhapsody.

Rhapsody's metal aspect of their music alone is not as amazing as, lets say SymX, but the way they incorporate metal with the orchestral music makes all the difference.
Wow... soundgarden, you are gonna have the time of your LIFE. They rocked sooo hard, the crowd was all into it. Obviously, they play the kind of music that is fun live, but it was so much better than I expected.
Oh yeah... I got to meet some Rhapsody guys, and the bassist and guitarist of the opener, Holyhell. Their guitarist happens to be some guy named JOE STUMP. It was really cool to talk to him - there was no one around except me, my brother, and my friend, and he was surprised we even wanted a picture with him. He was a cool guy, but I don't think he likes being in this band all that much. ;)
They were just as good as I expected, I got drunk at the show and got a great adrenaline rush man. I stayed up all night partying after the show, and cranked Rhapsody cd's all night. I will be going again next time, Hail Rhapsody.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Yes, I know almost everyone here hates this band. Feel free to fill this thread with replies that point out to me the fact that Rhapsody sings about dragons, demons, warriors, saving maidens, and yes... even unicorns on two occasions.

Anyway, I know there are a few fans here. About three by my last count.

Anyone seeing them... *looks at clock* today in Cleveland? I'm making a three-hour journey to go rock out. If anyone else is going, reply or PM me, we could hang out before or after the show or something.

Rock on.

Aaaaaaaaargh,lucky one :rock:
I talked to Fabio Lione(singer) on the Gods of Metal in Milan but I never saw their show :confused:
God, I love Rhapsody. I'm seeing them this Saturday with Manowar. I can't wait. Into Eternity is playing the show too, so that's an added bonus.

Rhapsody this week, Edguy/hammerfall in August. Now I just gotta get Falconer to come stateside, and it will be a helluva summer. Old Falconer > Rhapsody :)