
Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
Hail and Kill to everyone!

I was quite proud to be at the opening show of the HOLYHELL/RHAPSODY/MANOWAR tour in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday, June 2. It was an unbelievable show! The reason why it was so incredible can be summed up in one word: RHAPSODY. :headbang:

If you have an opportunity, ANY opportunity to see this show, you need to take it. If you have even a passive interest in Rhapsody, you need to beg, borrow, steal or whatever it takes to see this show. You’ll thank me (and yourself) later.

After driving 13 hours to Cleveland from St. Paul, Minnesota, fresh out of the Judas Priest/Queensryche show the previous evening, I was completely exhausted, but still ready for what I hoped would be the show to end all shows. Manowar and Rhapsody are easily my two favorite bands on the planet. I’ve been awaiting this line-up ever since rumors of it started circulating in early 2004. There was no way I was going to miss the first show of this tour! :headbang:

As it turned out, the House of Blues in Cleveland was a great place to see a show. The auditorium held around 1,200 people and had a balcony area in which every single seat was a good one and the vantage point did not put one far from the stage at all. The floor had three different levels so that even if you were stuck in back, you still had a good spot to see all of the action. The sound was excellent, even from center stage against the barrier which is where I was. The staff was friendly and hospitable even though I’m sure all of us metal-heads were scaring some of their wait-staff half-to-death. :D

[I will now digress: If you haven’t seen a show at the House of Blues before, here is a little secret. If you eat dinner at their restaurant before the show, you will be allowed into the auditorium 15 minutes before the rest of the crowd. This was a very handy bonus which myself and my fellow compatriots took full advantage of! Think of it as Gold Badge privileges for the price of a tasty entrée. :D After eating a rather delicious dinner, we were escorted to a private waiting area and as promised, 15 minutes before the doors opened, we were ushered into an empty auditorium.]

The first band that played was HOLYHELL – a new female-fronted :hotjump: power-metal band signed to Joey DeMiao’s new record label Magic Circle Music. Musically, the band shows a lot of promise. The singer (didn’t quite catch her name, thought it was Maria?) could use some vocal coaching – she could use some more power in her sound, but once she does, she’ll be a force to be reckoned with. The band played two covers: “Wings of Destiny” by Rhapsody (which she screwed up the lyrics and the timing, but I forgave her because she was trying so hard) and a song by Yngwie Malmsteen which I was not familiar with. Their original material is very good and this is probably a band to watch as they will get better with age and experience.

And this is where it all went through the roof – RHAPSODY :worship: came out and absolutely slew everyone in the room. They played for 55 glorious minutes and I doubt that their set will be topped by anyone in the near future. Fabio’s voice was perfect – he hit all the high notes and he did not feel the need to improvise or improve upon the songs as they were originally written. Luca Turelli just shredded the whole night – energy exploded from his guitar and electrified the room and everyone in it. The sound was tight, crisp and clean – for a debut performance in a new country, I don’t think this band could have done any better except with a longer set and a bigger stage! Fabio sung an opera song in Italian right to my metal sister next to me in the front row. Luca moved all over the stage, playing near the edge to fans extending their arms in an effort to reach the magic. The crowd thundered applause and cheering after every song and broke out into chants of Rhapsody so often that at times the band was too overwhelmed to continue. I cannot imagine a better performance by any band under similar circumstances. They were just perfect! Their set came as close to a religious experience as one can have from a concert.

What should have been an amazing return to the US by Manowar was marred by technical problems that started about 15 minutes into the set when Joey DeMiao’s bass was not functioning properly. Despite leaving the stage 3 times to have it fixed (I sure would have NOT wanted to be his bass tech for that show), DeMiao’s obvious aggravation at the problem bogged the set down. DeMiao tried to cover for the lack of music by delivering two thundering speeches to the crowd while his bass was being fixed. He reaffirmed Manowar’s appreciation of their fans and his commitment to True Metal via the formation of the new record company, Magic Circle Music. He also revealed that there were severe problems behind-the-scenes with the HoB management as he twice pointed out the booking agent of the club, instructing everyone to “tell that muther-fucker that this is the kind of music you want to see here!” after letting us know that “that son-of-a-bitch thought no one was going to show up to see us!” Despite the technical problems, Eric Adams performed brilliantly. Few singers have the ability to have an audience eating out of their hands after being on-stage for only 20 seconds – Adams has that rapport with his fans and always will. The evening ended on a real downer though as Manowar broke every precedent that they have set for themselves and refused to meet fans after the show. (It should be pointed out that four young blondes were promptly admitted onto Manowar’s tour bus for exactly 15 minutes :err: as the rest of us waited patiently in a cold drizzling rain hoping for one last chance to see them. It must be really nice to be a woman since that seems to be the ultimate back-stage pass.)

All in all however, the real stars of the evening were RHAPSODY who put on the most amazing show of the year and then did appear briefly to meet fans outside the venue. I will always be a Manowar fan but last Thursday night in Cleveland, it was all Rhapsody.

Thank you to Rhapsody for all of your music and for the most incredible show of the year! I will always be a fan! :worship:

In metal,
Nathan (The SwordLord)
If you don't want to know RHAPSODY's set list, don't read any farther. Here is what I can remember off of the top of my head:

Unholy War Cry (opener)
Wisdom of the Kings (song #2)
The Village of Dwarves
Power of the Dragon Flame
Dawn of Victory
opera song sung by Fabio
drum solo
Great Swordmaster
The Emerald Sword

I know I missed a few, so I'll go back through my albums and then repost later.

Nathan (The SwordLord)
Last tour, I heard Manowar charged $10 for autographs. That soured me on ever seeing them. Not that I would have WANTED an autograph, but they seem to be working under the KISS system of "squeeze every penny".
That being said, I'm thankful that they bring a high quality band from Europe to tour with them. That is a good thing that should be modeled by other bands as often as possible.
woosta said:
Last tour, I heard Manowar charged $10 for autographs. That soured me on ever seeing them. Not that I would have WANTED an autograph, but they seem to be working under the KISS system of "squeeze every penny".
That being said, I'm thankful that they bring a high quality band from Europe to tour with them. That is a good thing that should be modeled by other bands as often as possible.

That's really disgusting.....I don't know Manowar really, but it's pretty nasty when I band does something like that. It hurts the big fans, because the Manowar mega-fans are the people who want autographs, and those are the guys who buy all their albums, pay for the concert tickets, and buy one of their $30 shirts when they see them live. I'm not denying that the band should be able to make money, but to charge those guys ten bucks for an autograph is an insult as I see it.
woosta said:
Last tour, I heard Manowar charged $10 for autographs. That soured me on ever seeing them. Not that I would have WANTED an autograph, but they seem to be working under the KISS system of "squeeze every penny".

Man, if that's true then that's just one of the worst things I've heard about any underground Metal band.

I think charging for autographs is a pretty low thing to begin with, but sometimes you can justify it if they are a legendary band. Maybe someone else could argue the point that Manowar IS a legendary band, but I would totally disagree the validity of their charging decisions.

Manowar=A Legend In Their Own Mind
Well, I have seen MANOWAR at three different shows where they met fans afterward and they did N-O-T charge me for autographs. I have a large Agony and Ecstasy poster signed by the band members, about half-a-dozen CD's and promo pics all signed and was not charged one penny.

There is a certain segment of the metal population that for whatever reason really hates this band. I'm not about to start a flame-war on whether or not this is deserved or not because everyone has their own opinion and that's fine. But I will dispel false rumors when I hear them.

It's possible that Manowar does charge overseas -- I would doubt it but I cannot say for certain since I've never seen them outside of the US.

SwordLord said:
I have a large Agony and Ecstasy poster signed by the band members, about half-a-dozen CD's and promo pics all signed

Please, don't bring that much stuff to the ProgPower signing sessions.. LOL...

Everytime I think of people in front of me in the line waiting for autographs with 38 different items for the band to sign it makes me want to make up autographs myself on the stuff and pretend they signed it.. hahaha

(Of course, also there's the 3 item only rule who's a blessing for us... about damn time)

Please, don't bring that much stuff to the ProgPower signing sessions.. LOL...
Well, Glenn put the ka-bosh on that last year, so even if I wanted to, I can't! :D
Actually all of that has been signed over the course of 4 shows that I've seen them at. I try to be very respectful of other fans. The only time I broke that cardinal rule was at Edguy last year -- I bought all of my CD booklets because ... I wuv them vewy much.

Sappy isn't metal, I know...
SwordLord said:
The only time I broke that cardinal rule was at Edguy last year -- I bought all of my CD booklets because ... I wuv them vewy much.

It was you then, bloody bastard.

**Draws the Holy Almighty Emeral Sword...


**Slays Swordlord and takes the booklets from his dead body...

"You can't win Darth Angra. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!"

**Spooky Force-ghost of SwordLord follows Angra around making his metal CD's fly off of their shelves and whirl around in a virtual tornado of doom!***
First of all, I'd just like to say that I'm insulted that this tour isn't stopping anywhere near Chicago. If Manowar can fill up the House Of Blues in Cleveland, I can't see why they can't play the House Of Blues in Chicago. I would have gone, but I had already bought a ticket for Judas Priest for the next night. It would have been hell to have to drive back home immediately for another show. Second, since there has been a little griping with Manowar on this thread (autograph-selling-wise, anyway), I'll share my beef with them. The one and only time I got to see them was at Riley's Rockhouse in Aurora when they were promoting "Warriors of the World." Not only did they bring out FOUR extreme metal bands as their openers (Havochate, Bludgeon, Catastrophic, and Immortal), but they made the audience wait for an hour after Immortal's set to come out on stage. Keep in mind that all of their equipment was set up behind the little bit of the stage that was given to their opening acts, so it wasn't a matter of stage hands hauling everything out. To top it off, the band that had a twenty year history of music played for a whopping hour. I was crushed! Seeing as how Rhapsody was opening for them this time, I would have gone if they came to Chicago. Perhaps I would have given them a chance to redeem themselves. I still like Manowar's music, but they have thus far disappointed me in the way they treat their fans.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Met-Al said:
First of all, I'd just like to say that I'm insulted that this tour isn't stopping anywhere near Chicago. If Manowar can fill up the House Of Blues in Cleveland, I can't see why they can't play the House Of Blues in Chicago. I would have gone, but I had already bought a ticket for Judas Priest for the next night. It would have been hell to have to drive back home immediately for another show. Second, since there has been a little griping with Manowar on this thread (autograph-selling-wise, anyway), I'll share my beef with them. The one and only time I got to see them was at Riley's Rockhouse in Aurora when they were promoting "Warriors of the World." Not only did they bring out FOUR extreme metal bands as their openers (Havochate, Bludgeon, Catastrophic, and Immortal), but they made the audience wait for an hour after Immortal's set to come out on stage. Keep in mind that all of their equipment was set up behind the little bit of the stage that was given to their opening acts, so it wasn't a matter of stage hands hauling everything out. To top it off, the band that had a twenty year history of music played for a whopping hour. I was crushed! Seeing as how Rhapsody was opening for them this time, I would have gone if they came to Chicago. Perhaps I would have given them a chance to redeem themselves. I still like Manowar's music, but they have thus far disappointed me in the way they treat their fans.

Stay metal. Never rust.

I have been a Manowar fan since Battle Hyms. I grew up in a time were we didn't have the kind of access to bands that we have today. For many years I didn't really know what manowar looked like. You never saw them with the exception of that one album cover where thay are clad in fur skins. I actually liked the idea that I had no idea who these guys were. It was a big enigma. You rarely ever saw them on HHB/TV. In hind site I wish things could have stayed that way. Now they have these dvd's out that show me things I don't want to see. Joey ridiculas behavior is more than I can take. :yuk:

I like you was disapointed on the last tour with the length of the set they did. Also with no encore. :Smug:

Round two was not as interesting. THe set was still very short and was almost an exact clone of the last show. Back in the day I saw many bands on multiple occations (Example: Iron Maiden) and never had the feeling I was watching the same show. Okay, this time there was a one song oncour with a horrible speach of sorts from Joey. Without getting into a long drawn out thing I will say it like this. THe more I see from this band on dvd or live the less I like them. That sadens me because I am such a huge fan.

Have you ever seen a girl so pretty that you can't get her off your mind and you think about her all the time wondering if you'll ever see her agaiin, and finally you do and you work up the nerve to talk to her and she smiles at you and she has no or rotted out teeth and it just kills the whole thing and you wished that you had never spoken and just lived with the fantasy you had?

Well, I wish I had never seen Manowar and just held on to the great thoughts I had about them as a youth. I understand that most of my disapointment comes from the fact that I am older know I don'y buy into alot of the stuff anymore as I once did. I still love them for what they have done in the past but will have a hard time moving forward with them.

When I saw them just a few short years ago ( 3 ) the crowd was mostly guys in thier 30's re-living thier youth. 3 short years later is was nother but young snot node kids. I guess it's time for the changing of the guard. :erk:

On the other hand, Rhapsdy handle themselves with class and were great when approached by fans. The put on a 1st class show and I love them more today than before the show. :worship: