Hey DrumRman.....

Pure Evil

Poison Godmachine
Aug 31, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
I'd PM you but your PMs are off. i remember a long time ago you were saying that at the SX show at lamour in 2001, the band Urshurak stole the show in your opinion... or at least i think it was you who said that. anyway, i'm now the bass player for them and we're opening up for Angra at lamour on november 22nd. hope to see you there, man
What I said was that Paul from October Thorns stole my Urshurak T-Shirt I caught (not on purpose hehe).

Cool gig, maybe I'll see you there.
oh then i musta confused you with someone else.... i coula sworn that when this board just got started a buncha months ago, someone mentioned how much they enjoyed our band's performance and for some reason i remembered it being you.

art - what's it to you? i believe it was you who started on bass, sold it, got a guitar, sold it, and then got 17 drum sets. so i wouldn't be talking
and also, i dont know what this "beef" you have with me is or why the hell you started talkinga bout me behind my back and all that, but wahtever if that's the way you want it, fine.
also where the fuck did you get that I started of bass, I started of an acoustic guitar, then went to drums, the only time i got bass was when i bought it from yasha for $100 esp 5string with case, which is dirt price. That was the only reason i bought it. So don't make shit up
yeah that's a jam song. i didn't hear it yet, but they told me its just a musical masturbation bit that appeals mostly to the musicians in the audience. we're gonna play a great, energetic set though.... 3 new ones and 2 old classics. hope to see you there, dude