Mike Lepond, if you ever read this, thank you very much!

Pure Evil

Poison Godmachine
Aug 31, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
Yesterday at the SX/BG show, Mike Lepond did one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. I didn't have a ticket for the show and was waiting outside int eh cold for about an hour, hoping someone would come late and have an extra ticket, or if that didn't happen, i was gonna wait till teh show was over and meet the band afterwards. So as i'm standing, Mike passes by. I asked him if he can be of any help to me and after trying to sneak me and this other dude in past the asshole bouncers who gave him a very hard time and acted like complete jackoffs, he gave us 2 VIP passes so we got in with no problem. We got there just as BG were on their 3rd or 4th song. Anyway, if you ever read this, i just wanted to say thanks, and next time you come to Lamour i'm defnitely buying you a few pints!
Yeap, I have to give major awesomeness levels to all the guys in the band for being really really accessable the last 2 shows in NJ/NY they rule. They rawk :)
I e-mailed the url for this thread to Mike..his reply was:

"that makes me feel great......

I would do anything for the fans......"

So there you have it. :)
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
I e-mailed the url for this thread to Mike..his reply was:

"that makes me feel great......

I would do anything for the fans......"

So there you have it. :)
thank you!!!!!! :eek: :D