I just got the new album in the mail

Infernal Sledge

New Metal Member
Mar 2, 2005
I just got the cd in the mail about an hour ago. I thought the pre-orders were supposed to come with a poster? Oh well, it doesnt matter anyway becaue the cd is great. I didn't listen to any of the mp3s before I bought the cd, and I'm glad. I love it. Definitely 100 times better than To Welcome the Fade, which was one of my favoritve cds when it came out a few years ago. Definitely one of the most underrated bands out there. My band actually played a show with you guys a while back at Lamour in Brooklyn. Vito even used my guitar amp that show. Well, I can't wait to see you guys live again, hopefully soon.
Infernal Sledge said:
I just got the cd in the mail about an hour ago. I thought the pre-orders were supposed to come with a poster? Oh well, it doesnt matter anyway becaue the cd is great. I didn't listen to any of the mp3s before I bought the cd, and I'm glad. I love it. Definitely 100 times better than To Welcome the Fade, which was one of my favoritve cds when it came out a few years ago. Definitely one of the most underrated bands out there. My band actually played a show with you guys a while back at Lamour in Brooklyn. Vito even used my guitar amp that show. Well, I can't wait to see you guys live again, hopefully soon.

Thanks for buying the disc, and the kind words! I remember you guys from NY! If you pre-orderd from The End, and didn't get the poster, drop them an email and ask for it! If they ran out by chance, we'll be offering them online in a week in a limited amount, and we'll send you one if The End doesn't!

Keep in touch! Become a regular here on the forum. A lot of cool people here, and they would love to hear your band as well!
Infernal Sledge said:
I just got the cd in the mail about an hour ago. I thought the pre-orders were supposed to come with a poster? Oh well, it doesnt matter anyway becaue the cd is great. I didn't listen to any of the mp3s before I bought the cd, and I'm glad. I love it. Definitely 100 times better than To Welcome the Fade, which was one of my favoritve cds when it came out a few years ago. Definitely one of the most underrated bands out there. My band actually played a show with you guys a while back at Lamour in Brooklyn. Vito even used my guitar amp that show. Well, I can't wait to see you guys live again, hopefully soon.

Hey buddy! Thanks again for letting me use your gear. I'm glad you like the new disc. You should post here more often, Paul is right there's tons of cool people here. Take care.
Excellent work guys! The band's style and sound just keeping getting better with each new release, especially on tracks like Autumn Reflection and The Dead Leaf Echo. I can only see good things on the horizon. I will definitely give the album lots of airplay at the two stations where I DJ.

Ytse Radio
Dark Horizons Radio

BTW, the beginning of The Pale Haunt Departure is just nasty. I love it.
Infernal Sledge said:
Definitely 100 times better than To Welcome the Fade, which was one of my favoritve cds when it came out a few years ago. soon.

So it's "definitely" 100 times better than one of your favourite c.ds? My god, it must be the greatest album ever released by quite some way! :hypno:

Or are you exaggerating slightly? :grin:

I've jealous because I'm really looking forward to it.
Just got mine in the mail, and no poster either...

did ANYONE get one who pre-ordered it?

and my damn booklet was crinkled a bit ARGHHH. :yell:
Man, that fucking sucks. I really wanted the poster, i've got a lot of empty space on my wall right above this comp (where I spend most of my time, because I have no life haha)

Writing my review right now, will be up soon.

EDIT: The End replied to my email, and said they are sending me a poster, so if you didn't get one, email them!
berlioz said:
Hey Paul!

I got the CD package! Thanks very much! Awesome album!!! You have a new fan in the Old World!!!

Attila! I'm glad it finally got to your door! I'm happy you enjoy it. You do know, you'll be expected to out do yourself for the next one. haha!

For anyone wishing to pass on compliments, Berlioz is Attila Kis, the artist for the new CD.
berlioz said:
Hey Paul!

I got the CD package! Thanks very much! Awesome album!!! You have a new fan in the Old World!!!

I'm a very huge fan of visual art and I must say, you made an absolutely stunning artwork for the new album. On par with Travis Smith's best works IMO.
I want this poster you speak of.. I should get my cd tomorrow.

In the meantime, i've been jamming the promo I just got of the new Mourning Beloveth! GREAT irish band..
I just got the cd, and the poster!...I'm listening to it now and really love it. It'll probably be one of my favs. for 2005. Excellent! good job on the art Berlioz it's really nice...I love to look at the packaging haha. The music and the art compliment each other really well. Great job Novembers Doom.
Infernal Sledge said:
I just got the cd in the mail ...

Boah...lucky you. I guess I have to wait a bit longer until it comes over the pond to me. But I´ve heard all the songs from the new album and the only thing I can say is: WOW !!!!
It exceeded all my expectations. :)