hey dudes

hah you know i sneezed into my hand (sneezed out of my mouth, not nose) this morning, and unthinkingly wiped it on my chair, and looked down, and there was this palm-sized patch of mucous there. ugh!

are you sick at home, josh?
I just got this email

What you wrote in your LJ is nothing to me... nothing. I know you to actually be every bit as wretched as that garbagepale kid you made of what you perceived as my insecurities 4 years ago.
This is the last second of my attention you ever get. Take care of yourself.
still i mean, i can't imagine having the venom in me to write such a mean thing. i wonder if that person's head will eventually explode from excess internalized anger. ouchie.
yeah it seriously is his internal guilt / reception of the evil eye. You should read what I wrote, it doesn't mention anyone in specific at all yet somehow he believes it's about him and it cuts him deep. weird huh?
some people i guess have an over-inflated sense of persecution and importance? or maybe everyone does sometimes. either way, if he explodes post pics.
man I'm just missing out on some secret intarnet drama!

anyone watch american idol last night? those judges are getting more and more mean and crotchety with every season! it's amazing! even Paula totally shamed this one dude super hard.