Hey everybody...


New Metal Member
May 24, 2008
First off, I used to come here years ago, so to anybody I might remember or that might remember me, Hey... to those I have yet to meet, Hey...

OK, I want to show you something...


So I'm going along, innocently trying to make myself a set of 49 bookmarks and this came out... It started in the middle when I was trying to figure out what to put in that spot where the pentagram is and the bottom part looked kind of evil-ISH so I thought "Yeah, the pentagram will work, as long as I rationalize it away as one of Charlie's SOD drums from 1999"... I wanted the top to be a gargoyle or something so I went ahead and drew the wings... I worked my way up and when I got to the wings I couldn't draw a gorgoyle for shit, so I'm sitting there thinking, "What else could go atop this evil looking thing... Satan belongs at the top... but if I cant draw a gargoyle I damn sure can't draw Satan"... Anyways I liked the wings and I wanted to keep them so I thought, "I wish I could just write SATAN in the wings and keep them"... Then it struck me... "OF COURSE you can do that... Scott's sig looks like SATAN... with Scott's SATAN sig and Charlie's pentagram drum, that would make this some kind of Fan Art"... So that's why I brought it here... It's my Innocent/Evil Fan Art...

Now the other stuff... I can already tell this is gonna be long-winded, sorry... maybe I'll do it in a couple different chunks...

1. Dan Nelson is a cutie... I listened to two songs at devilsize.com and he can wail too, so as of right now he gets all my thumbs up...
2. Did I see it right? Charlie has a baby girl now? :grin: If he did, I bet she's sweet...
3. I wonder if Frank ever gets the middle child syndrome thing going on? It seems everybody's always "Scott and Charlie blah blah blah"... and "the young/new guys blah blah blah"... I watched one of those Sam Ash videos and he seemed ok, so maybe I shouldn't worry about it...
4. It was fun watching Scott suck balls at Guitar Hero... And I had actually had the thought, "He needs a VH1 tattoo"... That made it extra funny when I heard the answering machine thing... but I was thinking on the forehead, I'm glad he came up with the ballsack thing... that was way better...
5. Buddy Love Bomb: Nice pic of Charlie and Billy... I don't even know WTF happened with all that "Well bullshit we all just hate each other now" and I'm gonna try not to get all worked up over it but I'm glad you got them together, even if it was only for a minute... And by the way, it seems I remember you were in a band before but I really didnt think much about it, but when I followed your link to MySpace, I was very impressed by how HARD you ROCK!!! Good boy!!! I'm so proud... I might actually go to that place it says I ought to go to and tell them how freaking great you are...
6. Is David Lee Roth coming back in style? God I hope so...
7. Here: Mickey Bong for President... in Real Life: I'm wasting my vote AGAIN...

I think there's way more but thats enough for now, somebody dont let me forget about the John Bush/Burger King thing... Yes, I'm really gonna dredge it up, get ready...

Oh, I read the rules: Fat Whore, check... Faggots and Pricks, check... Hopefully I brought beer...



