Hey fellas!

Congratulations sir! Today marks my 6th year of marriage. We've been together 11 years since Nov. I find nothing wrong with being in a committed relationship but I will admit that it is a struggle sometimes and some folks just aren't meant for it. Whatever happens, I hope you're happy.

A tip (just the tip): making the transition to fucking only one person is difficult and fraught with temptation. If you're presented with a situation where you could get your dick wet in some prime ass that isn't your girlfriend's, ask yourself "is 30 minutes to a night with someone new worth everything else I have with my girlfriend?" If it is then you know the relationship isn't meant to be.
Congratulations sir! Today marks my 6th year of marriage. We've been together 11 years since Nov. I find nothing wrong with being in a committed relationship but I will admit that it is a struggle sometimes and some folks just aren't meant for it. Whatever happens, I hope you're happy.

A tip (just the tip): making the transition to fucking only one person is difficult and fraught with temptation. If you're presented with a situation where you could get your dick wet in some prime ass that isn't your girlfriend's, ask yourself "is 30 minutes to a night with someone new worth everything else I have with my girlfriend?" If it is then you know the relationship isn't meant to be.

Thanks for the tip and congratulations on the 11 years! That seems like a lifetime at this point, but right now I'm happier than I've been in years, so I feel pretty optimistic.
What's an MP3 player? Is that Sweedish for Ipod?

Eat shit Canadian buddy, I'm Finnish.

My old school mp3 player > all the ipods in the world

(Yes, I dance to the rhythm.)
Nice to hear that you've found a girl (and an mp3 player) that "rocks your world"....so to speak.

I've been with my wife (then girlfriend -obviously) since 96 when we were both in high school. Got married in 2005, and now we have two totally awesome children.

My tip is.... don't be an arse. I'm not assuming that you are. Just saying that it's really as simple as that. No arseholeness and lots of honesty will go a long way.

And if you, accidentally or not, act like an arse, don't buy her flowers by way of apology. A genuine, heartfelt, verbal apology will do. I'm not saying that you should never give her flowers in general, but give her flowers when everything is dandy - and make an effort to keep things dandy as much as possible.
good one- REMEMBER
Honesty! Brutal honesty & open communication is the best advice I can give.

Also realise that sometimes you won't always see eye to eye - you can't expect someone (even your partner/wife/mistress/slave) to agree with you on everything.

And remember you get out what you put in (no sexual pun intended ;-)
Compromise and understand each other. Been married for 13 years this year. You go thru ups and downs. Try to find common ground that way you can share a lot more together. As Aliasp says, you won't always agree and you have to accept that, just don't hide it for the sake of pleasing someone.
I love how we're all giving relationship advice, even if SD never asked for any.

That's really....metal. Emo-metal, that is.
You need to constantly tell her she's fat and she'll never do better than you. You have to keep her confidence down, this is very important in a relationship.
You need to constantly tell her she's fat and she'll never do better than you. You have to keep her confidence down, this is very important in a relationship.

Tell me something I already don't know, guy!

I can't stand to not have my whole music collection on my MP3 player. I have a 16GB zune and it aint enough! I'm thinking about trading my wife for the non touchscreen 80gb I got her a while back.

I get what you're saying, but I've got no problem changing music in the player every once in a while.