spending the weekend near austin


Hail Satan!
well fellas i live like 30 minutes from galveston and i'm just inside the mandatory evacuation zone so we're gonna head out in 30 minutes here to beat the rush of that completely to go to wimberley which is a little town outside of sanmarcos TX. bout an hr away from austin. we figured it's best since no one is going to be at my grandmothers house we'll have plenty of room for us and our pets. plus the storm shouldn't be too evil by the time anything gets too us i'm just worried about our apartment here. we'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted. if i never post here again i died :wave:

later fools!
thanks fellas!

well we're now in oklahoma. we left like wed at 5 am and got at our place near austin real easy then we decided to truck it all the way to stay with family in OK after they started talking about it being a cat 1 when it made it to austin, and the air conditioner messed up. plus there's not internet or cable and would be harder to figure out if our area is reachable afterwards. unfortunately my best friend and my brother are stuck near houston cause they couldn't make it with the gas situation. our asshole governor said he told us two days ago to fill up. two days ago there were stations out of gas. also idling nine hours in traffic will empty the tank. there's a point when you have to decide "well ok we had a full tank starting out and now it's half empty we have to turn back cause there's no gas along this road that we'll be on for 2 days"
fuck you rick perry
anyway you guys take it easy. i'll keep you posted
good luck evacuating. A friend of a friend of mine "drove" about 17 hours out of Houston and only got about 25 miles! I guess she at least saved her car, but, shit, you could walk a lot faster than that! Must be pretty nuts down there.