The tour has started!

As well you should :grin:

Though I expect I'll fall asleep during Dragonforce when I see them here (less than a month away!)
coke can make you have too much sugar in your blood and fall out of your shoes...^^ (yaps, that IS possible XD)
Seattle tonight was a great show.

Mathias seemed a bit put out over the fact the band couldn't have beer on stage and thus the leadup to One More was a bit more interesting this time around.

The setlist was as follows:
Battle Metal
A Portage to the Unknown
One More
In the Court of Jarisleif
To Holmgard and Beyond

I'm a bit tired, and honestly don't remember much aside from singing along and having a great time.

Time for me to get some sleep. Hit the great photo thread if you want to see pics.
Its the next morning and my memory is fuzzy, but it was a bit of complaining that they only had water on stage, and he asked if there was any beer in the crowd to which the crowd and myself said it's not allowed. He looked at me with a 'huh?' (I'm still in the photopit at this point, leaning against the stage) and I had to tell him it was an all ages crowd, so no beer allowed in the crowd. This is where it gets really fuzzy since I was laughing so hard at this point, but he said something about wanting a beer as the next song is a drinking song, and I and everyone else pretty much told him to play it anyway. He put the cap back on the water bottle he had, threw it across the stage, and thus began One More.

I really hope someone got some video of that one.

After the show my friend and I were outside waiting for a cab, and we ended up talking to Mathias and Jussi for a second as a cab rolled up and we all were curious if it was our cab or their cab, heh. But I said something like 'didnt you have this problem on the last tour?' and he said sort of, but not with the band not being able to have beer on stage. We had to explain that that venue is really strict.

We tried to let them take the cab, but I guess they weren't ready. The cab was about to leave, so we took it. Good thing too, the guy got lost trying to go 2 miles and then the farebox broke. If the guys didn't have exact directions to their hotel, they'd probably still be driving around lost.
oh, damn the all-ages stuff...that sucks...luckily in europe (except some countries) we dont have that problem...but well, you can survive a gig aswell with water XD
It all depends on the venue here. The place they played last time, Studio 7, was cool about it, but the Showbox Sodo is really strict about such things. I'm just glad they played a decent venue and didn't end up at the El Corazon or something.

I'd like to train up to Vanc BC for the show on the 19th, but I don't have the $100 or so it would take to go.
El Corazon seems to be the worst venue around, I always hear people talking badly about it...^^
Seattle tonight was a great show.

Mathias seemed a bit put out over the fact the band couldn't have beer on stage and thus the leadup to One More was a bit more interesting this time around.

The setlist was as follows:
Battle Metal
A Portage to the Unknown
One More
In the Court of Jarisleif
To Holmgard and Beyond

I'm a bit tired, and honestly don't remember much aside from singing along and having a great time.

Time for me to get some sleep. Hit the great photo thread if you want to see pics.


Now I can stop asking! Hell yeah! 2 weeks and 3 days :kickass: