hey friends and neighbors


the lizard queen
Mar 12, 2003
where else - TX

nobody impawtant. just an old friend from the rage area on andrea's website...was it andrea? someone like that.

anyhoo, just thought i would drop a line and say hey. i've yet to hear the new album but considering the reviews i've read, its gonna be killer. duh, it IS anthrax. i'm really jealous of all the euros who have the album (lucky fucks) but i'll do my best to enhance my calm and on may 6 be the first one to buy the new album.

what is your first name? that "cheerios" is SO familiar...
well, last time i checked cheerios is a cereal that allegedly lowers cholestrol.....and i use to post all the time in the old rage area around the stomp era
after the stomp era i should say. i was in college and had access to the website when i was supposed to be in class. oh, in my youth, in my youth.
i've wondered about andrea too, she had the website set up real well and the rage area was my first foray into chat boards or whatever they call em now. seemed to me she was wanton follower, a devoted dicsiple (whatever)...much like myself.

perchance she grew out of it.
that's right..fanbase. the only regulars i can remember are delpi, ty, and andrea and christine sixteen would post also....i remember when feebs half brother wore a killer a's shirt, she held a quick contest to guess which shirt he was wearing on friends.

was mr. spears on that old board under a different name? a lot has happend since then, i don't even remember how this site got started cept one day it showed up. much more complicated than that, i'm sure, but you get my drift.
bumpkins said:
that's right..fanbase. the only regulars i can remember are delpi, ty, and andrea and christine sixteen would post also....i remember when feebs half brother wore a killer a's shirt, she held a quick contest to guess which shirt he was wearing on friends.

was mr. spears on that old board under a different name? a lot has happend since then, i don't even remember how this site got started cept one day it showed up. much more complicated than that, i'm sure, but you get my drift.

Alex is still here. So is Ron MOSH Earl. (how can you forget a name like that?). Ty posts here (TD). There was some dude on the board named James from England. I miss him. He was the first guy I ever traded bootlegs with. Back in the stone age when we traded cassette tapes. Remember no high speed dubbing, damnit! Ryan Onstad posted a lot. He made the news after the post 9-11 anthrax scare. See http://web.archive.org/web/20011107043649/http://www.journalstar.com/local?story_id=4985 He used to post on boards after the original Rage Area but not anymore.

Brent did not post on the old board. He made a name for himself when he made a funny-ass S.O.D. site around when Bigger than the Devil came out. Charlie asked him to do the official Anthrax and S.O.D. sites. Billy Milano got mad about the S.O.D. site being affiliated with Anthrax, so that was removed and people get nothing.

A few of us posted on the Anthrax board on iMusic.com for a while. Then I got a board with server.com for my Anthrax Madhouse site. Then we moved to ezboard.com when I gave up on my site and did stuff for anthrax.com, which I admit, was a mistake (the board I mean), but then we ended up on ultimatemetal.com, which kicks ass :headbang:
yeah, i remember...the little bastard. well, he did finally return my bootleg vids.....after me mailing him many, many, many times. so shouldn't do the namecalling.

that's in de past. my apologies to ron. i recall him now. and thanx for the clairification on the history of thrax boards. i think i posted a few times on imusic myself. so hard to keep track of all that shit now. when you have a baby, you tend to lose the memory cells because you're overusing the constant worry nerve cells.

but hey what are ya gonna do?
fair enough, i agree: organized religion is a crapshoot. and a misnomer. nothing organized about religion. its just a way of controlling people, whether catholic or baptist.

but i will stop there, this is anthrax not religion...altho for me its the same. heheh

i became a mom dec 30 (missed scott by that much). its been oh so fun. but i love her : peri hiett fowler. that's my little girl. will send gratutious anthrax baby pix soon.
Bumbkins, I am sure you're aware that you should start reading to your children right away. So here is a good bedtime story:

There's two kinds, of people in this world
The outlaws, and the lawmen that prevail
The bounty hunter's job is on the wrong side of the law
Intentions, of the truth and nothing more
Burn 'em, :devil:

clear the streets as he rides into the town,
Cause the nameless one's gonna have some fun
He's gonna bring an outlaw down
Wasted, it's over quick he's nailed 'em three for three
Then with his squint-eyed grin and stubbled chin,
He rides through history

The jury, in his mind the choices weigh
The trials, if you're guilty you're his prey
No judgment otherwise can change the lust
That's in his eyes
The sentence, will be carried out in stride

No name, like a shadow on a moonless night
Real game, he'll be there to uphold
Justice, law and order
And you'll pay, the highest fee

When the gunslinger takes his piece

The money, it's the price you have to pay
When he calls, drop your eyes and look away
The man has taken life to balance scales
Of wrong and right
Existence, each day a moral fight

Justin-- you will make a hell of a father someday. Anybody who reads (or sings) Lone Justice to his/her child before bedtime deserves a parent of the year award. And, yes, I am telling all of you how to raise your children.
that's bumpkins, j. one b. i played sown when she was in the womb, so she'll get used to idea of hearin thrax all the time. i was singin vol 8 to her whilst cleaning the kitchen...she would grin, or just look at me.. when a game is on, she'll watch it. sniff, sniff that's my girl