hey friends and neighbors

bumpkins said:
that's bumpkins, j. one b. i played sown when she was in the womb, so she'll get used to idea of hearin thrax all the time. i was singin vol 8 to her whilst cleaning the kitchen...she would grin, or just look at me.. when a game is on, she'll watch it. sniff, sniff that's my girl

Sorry. People often spell my name wrong (usually "jdelphi").
If you had had a boy you'd have had to have named him Charlie or Scott. fuck naming after the father.
TooleBox Dan said:
Justin-- you will make a hell of a father someday. Anybody who reads (or sings) Lone Justice to his/her child before bedtime deserves a parent of the year award. And, yes, I am telling all of you how to raise your children.

Thanks, Dan. Of course, I thought this was common sense, but you know what they say about common sense these days.
well of course, but we were going to name it ian stewart fowler. its a comprimise, after scott obviously, stew's idea is ian fleming, bond, james bond's creator.

ian stewart fowler. we came up with that a long time ago...i love my boys but too many charlies, scotts, and johns. ian has a certain nobility to it.
I had a friend named Ian in high school. He left after sophomore year. I remember when we went to Cedar Point in Cleveland and rode the roller coasters we shouted "we're all going to die!" as we got to the top just to piss people off. Fun times. He died in a car crash when I was a senior.
jdelpi said:
I had a friend named Ian in high school. He left after sophomore year. I remember when we went to Cedar Point in Cleveland and rode the roller coasters we shouted "we're all going to die!" as we got to the top just to piss people off. Fun times. He died in a car crash when I was a senior.

I know this shouldn't be funny, but I can't stop laughing. I just keep thinking about Old Man Clemmons in Billy Madison yelling, "YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" and having his fist in the air with a shit-covered boot in his other hand.
What about that dude Jeff?? I think he went under the name Anthraxkik or something like that. I've posted on so many Anthrax boards. Everything was always just a fansite until Brent came along. I think the label or management fronts the money. But I don't know. Didn't Anthrax.com get like thousands of hits a day after 911??
OH, a bunch of us that posted at Andrea's site also posted on this AOL message board. They were easier to read or follow. I remember ty from way back in the days though. Didn't he go by Ty Diggity Daddy. That was like freshman year of college. Now I'm 25. I could always relate to Ty the most because he's only 2 days older than me. 77 Taurus' so to speak.
Jeff (Anthraxik) is that bastard to whom Charlie sent a Volume 8 demo and then he stopped doing a website. I'm still pissed about that.
I provided the news on the Volume 8 release. I purposely didn't mention him. :heh: I did get Volume 8 in May though.
I never had AOL (proud to say) so I missed out on that.
Brent also did have to go through the hassle of buying the anthrax.com domain. Some Monty Python fan had it. The site got something like four million hits in a month after the 9-11 anthrax scare. I can't find any articles that list the numbers, but I think that was it. Remember the crazy church shit put on the site afterwards? I lost access to my email for a while.
jdelpi said:
Alex is still here. So is Ron MOSH Earl. (how can you forget a name like that?). Ty posts here (TD). There was some dude on the board named James from England. I miss him. He was the first guy I ever traded bootlegs with. Back in the stone age when we traded cassette tapes. Remember no high speed dubbing, damnit! Ryan Onstad posted a lot. He made the news after the post 9-11 anthrax scare. See http://web.archive.org/web/20011107043649/http://www.journalstar.com/local?story_id=4985 He used to post on boards after the original Rage Area but not anymore.

I can't believe you left me off the list, I'm so hurt. I wonder if that Sybil chick is still rambling on, I wanted to reach into my screen and strangle that wench.
Bill, were you at the fanbase.com board? I thought you came along either at iMusic.com or server.com (my board).
Sylvia had good intentions. I think she and I shared way too much of our personal lives for people that never met in person. Oh well.
jdelpi said:
Bill, were you at the fanbase.com board? I thought you came along either at iMusic.com or server.com (my board).
Sylvia had good intentions. I think she and I shared way too much of our personal lives for people that never met in person. Oh well.

I'm not gay, but I'd only ever meet dudes from here. The broads got too personal.
jdelpi said:
Bill, were you at the fanbase.com board? I thought you came along either at iMusic.com or server.com (my board).
Sylvia had good intentions. I think she and I shared way too much of our personal lives for people that never met in person. Oh well.

I know I was posting for the past 7 years or so, I remember you running one of the boards but beyond that I don't remember which .com it was. Apparently alcohol has destroyed my short and long term memory. Personally I think Sylvia shared way too much of her "Holier than Though" opinions.
There are alot of people who just vanished. I started posting on Anthrax message boards in late 95, early96. Boards have changed. I don't post anywhere else on the net. Never have and probably never will unless my own band would get a website. I started posting on Anthrax boards I think in the summer or the fall of 95. I graduated high school in 95 and that was the summer when I got my first computer. A 200mhz piece of shit Acer. I smashed the living hell out of it when I got a 500mhz computer and still have it to this day. I usally post on here from my girlfreind's computer or my brother's computer. I think the reason why I haven't been forgotten by the faithful is because the name Alex has always been in my handle. I used AlexRamboner at one point. What else did I use? I can't even remember. Serious bonus points to anyone that does. I'll buy their whole bar tab at whatever thrax show we would go to.
AlexStomp said:
There are alot of people who just vanished. I started posting on Anthrax message boards in late 95, early96. Boards have changed. I don't post anywhere else on the net. Never have and probably never will unless my own band would get a website. I started posting on Anthrax boards I think in the summer or the fall of 95. I graduated high school in 95 and that was the summer when I got my first computer. A 200mhz piece of shit Acer. I smashed the living hell out of it when I got a 500mhz computer and still have it to this day. I usally post on here from my girlfreind's computer or my brother's computer. I think the reason why I haven't been forgotten by the faithful is because the name Alex has always been in my handle. I used AlexRamboner at one point. What else did I use? I can't even remember. Serious bonus points to anyone that does. I'll buy their whole bar tab at whatever thrax show we would go to.

Fuck Acer!
I had a huge group project on them once. It sucked ass!