hey guys i finished recording + mixing my solo album


Nov 9, 2001
Which features members of Kayo Dot. (Sam, Mia, and Ryan, and also Sheel from the band Irepress)
During November I'll see what I can do about getting this released soon.
I would put up samples but i think these songs are even more difficult to get a picture of what they're supposed to sound like from short clips than the Kayo Dot stuff was (I might change my mind and do it anyway). Maybe during tour we can play tracks from it while we set-up the stage if that's an incentive for making it out to the shows. :)
yeah Greg when are you planning on finishing? I'm not suggesting you rush it or anything I'm just wondering. Jake, I remember a leaky incident from last summer so I don't think I'm going to be able to pass you an extra burn just yet, sorry, but I'll show it to you at least :)

FrostGiant, the truth is, most of it is just too quiet and listening to it on computer speakers or whatever will make you miss several minutes of music at a time, and the rest of it is too bassy and it'll just sound like GGGGHHHHHHH