hey guys i finished recording + mixing my solo album

nick there are hardly any lyrics, but the ones i do have were mostly written around specific vowel sounds, because of the way we were performing/recording everything, it was really only the vowel sounds which came out, or only certain letters could be performed under some of these techniques, for example, one song is all l's, m's, b's, etc.
I remember and I think Jake was more or less exonerated...Toby got freaked out because some random dude started IMing him like I LOVE THE NEW ALBUM and Toby was like "who the greg are you and were did you get the album??" and the dude was like MY BRO JAKE, I'M GONNA SOULSEEK TRADE THIS FOR BANGBUS VIDEOS!!!!

and it turned out it was just Jake's rl friend who didn't leak it around to anyone and who bought it when it came out anyway. understandable though.
yeah, he never had a copy.

i was all "dude, you are the only other person in Des Moines that i know that has good taste in music, listen to this shit"

and he was all "I LOVE IT, where can i get a copy.

and i was all "not me, toby will stab my ass"

he was all "fuck that dude, i'll get him to stab you yet"